Omg.. P.Oed!! Help!


Dog Show Addict
Sep 16, 2005
Ontario, Canada

I posted a while ago about catching my neighbours Beagle... WELL

I have caught it another 4 times (approx) when I have had time. Its about JUST ABOUT every freaking day. Coming over onto our lawn, peeing/marking all over my front yard.
Since then, Riot has realized that its "his" property and marks his territory now. *grr*

Anyways, Tonight, around 10:00pm I see the **** thing running around AGAIN!! I had just came home from Riots Rally-O class. I always let Riot just jump out of the van without a leash b/c hes VERY good at staying on his property. Well.. I then notice that **** Beagle on the yard. I grab Riot(because I know he'll want him off, or to play with it) and put him in the house, lure the Beagle(Hercules btw) into our backyard, scared that he might get hit by cars. I'm not on a ridiculously busy road, but lately the police and fire have been going around with a bit of upped traffic.
Well.. anyways, I bring him into our backyard(I can't catch him btw.. I lured him with treats lol Good thing for Beagle bellies!) and then shut the gate on him.

It takes me a good 30min to be able to put a slip knot collar make out of rope on him and tie him to my fence(he can figure his way out of the backyard somehow lol) So, I walk over to the neighbours house knock on their door..
No answer. I KNOW they are home, there are two vehicles in the driveway and the house lights are on. So I'm thinking.. Thats SOO IGNORANT!! That P.O.ed me to start..
So I walk back to my house, play with the Beagle a bit. I also did some basic "come" on the leash training with him in case he gets out next time lol

Well, hes very happy to see me now lol so HOPEFULLY it wont be a hassle next time.. and yes I KNOW there WILL be a next time.

Anyways, i go back to the house knock on the door a bit louder and for longer.. trying to purposely get them a bit peeved so they come to the door. Nothing.. so I go back to my house. Let our dogs out on leashes so they can go to the washroom(b/c the Beagle is in our backyard). Meanwhile the Beagle is howling his brains out.. i'm thinking GRREEAATT noise complaint for us and its not even our dog lol

So.. I speak with my mom and we decided to tie the Beagle to the neighbours front step. We go about doing it. We use one of our flat collars(Beagle doesn't have collar btw) so he doesn't choke himself and we leave him JUST enough slack to lay down.

Well.. it works for a while.. each time another person or dog passed by on the sidewalk he'd howl his brains out.

I stand and watch for a bit from my yard thinking "okay.. THATS gotta wake them up or something".. NOPE!! NOTHING..

So I go back inside to think up some other things.

I come to the conclusion that i'm worried that the Beagle will either
A - get out of collar and roam free AGAIN
B - Beagle strangles itself somehow(you know Beagles lol) and I become Liable

So.. I go back to their house, bang on the door one last time just for good measure - surprise surprise NO ANSWER..

So my mom and I take Beagle around the house into its backyard.

They have another dog there too, an older Sheltie cross by the looks of it. I was told by our other neighbours it was aggressive, so I was a little paranoid not knowing if its had its shots or not.. WELL it walks around the corner and just follows us, seems friendly enough but very treat aggresive(we gave him treats to stay away from us further into the backyard).

When I go to shut the backyard gate(its pitch black by the way lol we only had flashlights) there was a freaking red brick HOLDING THE GATE WIDE OPEN!!!
I'm thinking to myself.. "omg.. how irresponsible"

Now, I use the rope that I tied Beagle to porch before to tie the gate shut so there is no way the Beagle could open it somehow(smart little buggers lol).

and go back home..

This Beagle has been out NUMEROUS times, pestering anyone who walks their dog by them. Its very friendlty, but what if another dog isn't and attacks it?!

I'm EXTREMELY tempted to call Animal Control.. but there are some problems with our Humane Society right now and it would not help the Beagle at all.

Any other suggestions?

Ohh btw, Neighbours aren't Canadian so some of them are a bit harder to communicate with, but from what I have met before they are all very nice people, so I dont want to hurt their feelings or anything..

Nov 28, 2004
Are you sure you aren't overacting to all of this? A nice beagle who pee's on your lawn (who cares?) and the people obviously aren't home... I don't get it :confused:


New Member
Mar 5, 2006
Poor Beagle!! I wish there was something to do about it, but how can you get through their head they cant just let their dog wander off whereever?!?!

My Nanny has a problem cuz the people that live across from her have 4 dogs and they think that HER yard is their bathroom so she can barely walk through her yard. My parents have to spend Easter Sunday shoveling her yard. She lives in a town of 100 people, but that doesnt mean they should just let their dogs wonder off into other people's yards. But they dont even have cops or anything in their town.


Dog Show Addict
Sep 16, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Are you sure you aren't overacting to all of this? A nice beagle who pee's on your lawn (who cares?) and the people obviously aren't home... I don't get it
Definately not over reacting... Trust me lol the peeing on my lawn is the part that is annoying. The possible fact that it can get hit by cars, attacked by dogs, sprayed by skunks and THEN wonder over to our yard.

The fact that makes me mad is these people just dont seem to give a crap what happens to their dog.

Its just a young thing too.

Why would you leave your back gate propped OPEN and let your dogs out?? I know you wouldn't do that.. so why should someone else?

This dog isn't just pestering my dogs, its pestering all neighbourhood dogs who have to walk by it, who are in their gated fences while its on the other side.

Dont you think this dog should be with someone who understand its needs??

(This is NOT meant to sound rude or forward or anything.. just some things I've thought about for the thing)

Animal Control has been called numerous times on these people from other neighbours about the dog. I have even called twice about it. They just keep putting it back into its yard.. which would be great IF they kept the gate shut.

I'm in the city as well, if it was the country I wouldn't mind AS much... but i'm thinking about the dogs saftey.

Edited to say; this dog is out of its yard roaming just about every other day..
Hes hard to catch because its fairly skittish.


New Member
Mar 5, 2006
That is really sad. And the way they dont answer the door and just let it run off makes me think he isnt getting enough attention either. I can't believe they would actually prop open their gate!
Nov 28, 2004
Oh, ok... I see how it's been going. Yes, I wonder why in the world they'd actually have their gate PROPPED OPEN for the dog to get out??? I'm guessing he will dig out no matter what... and their sheltie won't. Just a guess. Still doesn't let them off the hook of being a good dog owner, though! Poor beagle!!!


Dog Show Addict
Sep 16, 2005
Ontario, Canada
I can't believe they would actually prop open their gate
That is the part that just really irks me... I just dont understand...
When Animal Control caught him and put him in the fence they had called me back and said that the gate was open, so they just shut it.

So its happened more then once.

The ONLY other thing I could think of for a reason for them is if they have a doggy door somewhere and they just "forget" the gates are propped open.. That is the oNLY other thing I can think of.

But.. the last time I caught the Beagle, the person said that it was their neices dog that moved out and they dont know what they are going to do with the dog now b/c she hasn't come to get him back and "hes not their responsiblity".. I dunno.. it could be a family thing like that too.

*sigh* I just dont want to come home one day and see that sweet Beagle dead on the road.

Oh, ok... I see how it's been going. Yes, I wonder why in the world they'd actually have their gate PROPPED OPEN for the dog to get out??? I'm guessing he will dig out no matter what... and their sheltie won't. Just a guess. Still doesn't let them off the hook of being a good dog owner, though! Poor beagle!!!
Yeah, I REALLY dont understand the reasoning behind it all. I want to get the Beagle out of there though, to some place where he can be contained and such. One day I came outside to one of the guys screaming some.. "mean" words at the dog telling it to eat the treats he threw at it so it would come home.. (Not intentionally whipping treats at it though lol dont get me wrong, it was like throwing a trail of treats)...

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