New simple trick

Wave was pretty simple for both my dogs, and I think it is ridiculously cute.

Teaching Gusto left and right (spin directions) wasn't too hard, and it is fun to show off, because it really impresses people.
Easiest fun tricks were probably high five, spin, and take a bow. Taught the first two with luring and the third one with capturing. We had a bit trouble with bow until i realized it sounded too much like down and changed the command to "bravo!".
Yesterday I decided I'd teach Louis to cover his eyes using the old "tape on the nose" trick. Except, um, he's a Bouvier - he is so used to having things on his face that it didn't matter where I put the tape, he just stared at me calmly. LOL!
Wave is just waving a front foot, like a person waving their hand. I shaped it with both of my dogs, just clicking when the chosen foot moved even a bit, and getting ever bigger and more deliberate movements. I chose Gusto's left foot on purpose for him, because that is the elbow he had injured and I wanted him to stretch it. Meg waves with her right because that was what she was more inclined to do.


Yesterday I decided I'd teach Louis to cover his eyes using the old "tape on the nose" trick. Except, um, he's a Bouvier - he is so used to having things on his face that it didn't matter where I put the tape, he just stared at me calmly. LOL!

I tried that too. Gusto was completely certain that it was a proofing exercise, and he froze like a rock whenever I tried.


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