New here and need support!


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
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Wolcott, CT
Hello everyone. I am not only a animal lover myself (I have a 1 year old maltese named Scrappy T. which I will post pictures of when I have a min., and a parakeet, Mia) but I am in the pet care industry. I am VP of Camelot Kennels, Inc. I run this business with my mother, and on top of that I am in college toward a business management degree. It is a lot, but first and foremost on my list is the kennel. We board 60+ dogs and 20 kitties. We also have grooming, playtimes and daycare with plans to add a training facility. We take it very seriously seeing as kennels have such a bad name. We are exceptionally clean, and we take very personal one on one care with each beloved pet that boards with us.
One of which broke my heart today which is why I just signed up with Chazhound. I am looking for some solace in the hearts of other pet and animal lovers. We have a 13 year old Cocker Spaniel here (Toby), whose owner was just placed in a nursing home. The owners son, is unable to care for the dog and handed over all rights to our local dog warden. When I came home (yes I live there too) after school, I saw the dog warden waiting to talk to me. I brought him back to see Toby, who is quite old himself. He is a loveable cute little guy, despite his age. The dog warden said right away as we went back to the office, "I'll call the vet to set up an appointment to have him put down." I of course was very upset and so were our staff members. Toby has been a frequent visitor and this past visit has been for two months. How can you not get attatched?! How dare this man make no attempt in placing this dog in a home? He is head of our local no-kill adoption agency as well, and wouldn't put him there because of his age. He said Toby is unadoptable because he is old. Well, I will not stand for this. He agreed to give me two days to place him in a home, or he will be put down. This dog has no health issues, no meds...nothing. Hes an angel, as they all are. So I have put a couple calls into friends and family since no adoption agency will accept him. How can he turn away a dog from a no-kill shelter? I just needed to vent. One of the calls was to my stepmother who lost her cocker spaniel a couple years ago. She is most hopeful. i will let you know. I am just fuming at the audacity of this human being who works with animals every day. Every life deserves a chance. I will work hard at making sure this doesn't happen, and that it never happens again here. Anyone with similar experience let me know, I feel so sad at the thought of this killing for no reason. Its not Tobys fault! UGH
I am sure glad Toby has you in his corner fighting for him! If it were me I'd even go so far as finding a local reporter who has a soft spot in his heart for dogs to make Toby's search for a loving retirement home public as well as the cold heartedness of the man who claims to love animals & heads a no-kill rescue.
Could you perhaps make him the honorary mascot of Camelot until he passes of his own accord?

I too work in the boarding industry and occasionally we have animals dumped with us. We had a cat languish with us for 2 years until an employee decided to adopt it. We also work with a couple of local rescues and house one or two dogs until either a foster home opens up or they locate a forever home.
What a lucky dog to have someone like you around. I can't believe someone could do something like that to a animal they have had for so long......
First of all welcome! :)

Second of all, Poor Toby!!!! God bless you for fighting for this dogs life :) Someone needs to. I hope it all works out for both of you.
I'm saying an extra prayer that you can find Toby a home. Please keep us updated.
Welcome. Toby is a lucky dog to have you looking out for him. I second the suggestion to get the local media involved. Many news channels love to run animals stories. Crossing fingers and paws that everything works out in the end.
1st welcome
2nd Toby is blessed to have you in his corner.
Maybe you could have someone just foster him until you find him a home..
Welcome to chaz!

I don't understand your warden's logic, I am involved in a No-kill rescue here in Northern VA, and we just had an old cocker at our shelter who recently got adopted. We only had him for about three weeks because little dogs (especially purebreds) get adopted quickly. I suggest you make Toby your temporary mascot to save his life, and then contact your local rescues. Here's a rescue organization for you:

Cocker Spaniel Rescue of New England

Give them a call and tell them your situation and they might be able to find a foster home for Toby. Good luck!
Thank you all for your support. I have been taking good care of little Toby since that mess with the warden. I also, don't understand his logic and I am planning on taking this to the next level, because I know for a fact that this isn't the first time the warden has been so quick to put a dog or cat down and didn't at least try to find a home. You will all be happy to hear that last night I groomed Toby and got him ready for his new home in Torrington, CT. I did find a family that was happy to help, and adopt him. When they met him, they were concerned with his health issues, but said that today they are taking him to the vet and getting him a full work over. He now has a nice cushy home, and even if he only lives a few more years, thats 3 years that he will have a nice life. I really got choked up when he left, his little head peeking out the car window. I am so happy about this...and the dog warden is in shock. He made a deal with me that next time he has a situation like this he will see if I can help first. I know I have lots of support, and hope to get involved in adoption. Thank you all for the comments and support.
I'm so glad Toby is in a good home and still alive. I hope the warden keeps up with what he said about talking with you to find a dog a home instead of just him making a death sentence.