My mutts


orange iguanas.
Jul 31, 2005
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Some recent pictures minus Juno; she's been on the IR list for a couple months with a shoulder injury, makes her much less interesting to photograph when she can't do anything fun lol.

IMG_7403 by cinSun9, on Flickr

IMG_7528 by cinSun9, on Flickr

IMG_7535 by cinSun9, on Flickr

IMG_7631 by cinSun9, on Flickr

IMG_7696 by cinSun9, on Flickr

IMG_7712 by cinSun9, on Flickr

IMG_7745 by cinSun9, on Flickr

I got a new one too because why not. Haven't really taken pictures yet though
IMG_7844 by cinSun9, on Flickr

IMG_7868 by cinSun9, on Flickr

Oh wait, here's a Juno lol
IMG_7090 by cinSun9, on Flickr
I always love seeing Juno! What great pics of all the dogs.
Is that...a new puppy? When did this happen? What's his/her name? so cute!

And Sawyer is looking so grown up now :) love your crew
New puppy came Jan 1st! Completely unplanned and impulsive. Her name is Jenga which just got chosen yesterday lol she had me stumped. It's been a really hard week, Sawyer is not too thrilled with her and I've never had issues with him with other dogs before so I wasn't expecting this. She is 4 months old so a little more obnoxious and doesn't back down as easily as like, an 8 week old puppy would. I'm just trying to breathe and take it one day at a time.

So anyway that's our story :p
Is that a new puppy? :D I had to scroll back up because at a glance I thought it was Sawyer and I had to double take, haha!

Your dogs are adorable, I love seeing pictures of them. Sawyer looks so big now!

ETA: I just saw your most recent post, I love the name Jenga! I'm sure everything will work out! :)

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