MMBC WCRL trial!


Active Member
Nov 22, 2006
Lauren and I took all three of our VERY green dogs to their first trial this weekend!

Gabby ran once in Level 1 yesterday where I made a bunch of handling errors. We NQ'd. She had some really great moments of working and I knew going into the trial that she wasn't ready, but I knew I could feed when I needed to and use it as a training opportunity.

Today Siri, Gabby, and Frodo all ran three times. THEY ALL DID SO WELL!

Gabby was entered in Veterans today (because she's 8, and in veterans you can feed WHENEVER YOU WANT TO). She qualified in her first and second runs, without even being able to do the bonus exercises... Veteran pulls signs from Levels 1, 2, and 3. Gabby doesn't even know all the Level 1 signs! She NQ'd on her third run (where she was losing steam anyways) when she left the ring to visit a dog near the exit! She ended the day 2/3 in Veterans! I luff that dog so hard.
Gabby by laurenscoombs, on Flickr

Siri really surprised me and held it together for all three runs. She has the most skills of all three dogs and stood the best chance of qualifying but uhh, she's a crazy pants! :rofl1: Siri finished the day going 3/3 and earning her RL1! She is now "Ado's Gimme Victory RL1" :)
Siri by laurenscoombs, on Flickr

Lauren only pre-entered Frodo in one run, because he's Frodo. And she has realistic expectations... or something. Frodo did SO WELL on his first course, that she decided to enter the second trial. She missed a sign, causing an NQ but he worked AMAZINGLY well. So she entered him in the third trial as well. And even though DOGS WERE BARKING, he barked but KEPT WORKING! Frodo ended the day 2/3 in Level 1!
Frodo by laurenscoombs, on Flickr

All three of them with their ribbons!
Ribbons by laurenscoombs, on Flickr

There are videos of all of our runs, they're just scattered between our cameras and friend's cameras and phones. So... someday maybe they'll be posted.

GREAT DOGS! It felt SO great to be back in the ring!

YAY DOGS. YAY DOG SPORTS! YAY for a bunch more stuff to work on!


Mild and Slightly Nutty
May 9, 2011
Madison, WI
Been watching the videos you guys posted on FB.

The dogs all did so well.

Many congratulations to you, Lauren and the dogs!


Active Member
Nov 22, 2006
Congratulations! That's awesome! It looks like you went in with a great attitude. :]
True story: I started getting nervous when driving up to the trial on Saturday. When I realized I was nervous I kind of chastised myself. I mean, I went into the trial with Gabby knowing full well she's not ready. But knowing that we have a working relationship, and we have behaviors that I could likely string together. And knowing that, I relaxed.

Not that I'll never get a little nervous going into the ring, but acknowledging our level of training made it easier.

Knowing that while Siri has been going and doing stuff at dog events since she came home, she's never been asked to work in any kind of trial setting... I couldn't expect more of her than she's been exposed to!

It is also unfortunate that WCRL hasn't grown here like CDSP has. We have about 5? CDSP weekends a year now. We unfortunately still only have two WCRL weekends. Boo!

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