Mental chis and a day in the park


New Member
Oct 30, 2006
What is that about? Little white, overwight chi pissing over everything. Little B/W, saucy, cute, but snappy little piranha. Same owner. Why is it funny when these horrendous little snappers growl and snark at my kids in a public park?

There was broken glass, broken window, we didn't do it ( honest :cool: ), but with a kid like Sami you want to make sure that there is nothing lying about, you know. We went to get a brush from the bar. This monstrous little dog came out of nowhere, snicked teeth at Sami's ankle and stood quivering with spite in front of my 3 yo boy while he was proudly carrying the brush.

TBH, I wanted to take the brush and whack Tootsie into the next dimension. Sami froze (good boy! :) ) and behind me the table of w*****s erupted in 'hey, isn't that cute', type giggles. One of them was the chis owner.

In the same park, we have another regular with a little yorkie. Another breed famed for being spoiled. This little girl practically gives herself a hernia trying to be loved by everyone. She BURSTS with good spirit. Her owner calmly allows her a wee bit of attention, calls her back to her side and gets on with her afternoon.

We also met a 14 week old pb today in the same park. Quite shy but my daughter asked if she could talk to him and the owners were fine about it. She saw that the little guy was a bit nervy so she sat quietly under the table holding her hand out and clucking like a mother hen till the little guy decided she was cool.

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