Let's make a trick list for everyone!


Mar 7, 2014
My friend thought that you could put a list of tricks in this thread. You can put easy and advanced tricks if you also tell which ones of them are difficult, easy and so on. My friend wants to add that this thread is not just for her. Other users can also discuss about tricks here.

My friend is looking for easy tricks for herself
, because her dog Lotta has not been trained much. It's sometimes difficult for my friend to figure out what to teach to Lotta. So, my friend thought that she could get ideas for it in this thread. She would also like to ask where she could begin? Note: tricks where the dog should for example carry something cannot be teached to my friend's dog Lotta yet. (Lotta cannot take and drop on cue)

Although my friend is looking for easy tricks, you can also put advanced and difficult tricks as well for other users.
We had told that:

My friend thought that you could put a list of tricks in this thread. You can put easy and advanced tricks if you also tell which ones of them are difficult, easy and so on. My friend wants to add that this thread is not just for her. Other users can also discuss about tricks here.

My friend is looking for easy tricks for herself
, because her dog Lotta has not been trained much. It's sometimes difficult for my friend to figure out what to teach to Lotta. So, my friend thought that she could get ideas for it in this thread. She would also like to ask where she could begin? Note: tricks where the dog should for example carry something cannot be teached to my friend's dog Lotta yet. (Lotta cannot take and drop on cue)

Although my friend is looking for easy tricks, you can also put advanced and difficult tricks as well for other users.

My friend would like to know, are other users interested in this thread? If not, in which thread we can ask for ideas of which tricks to teach to Lotta? Can you tell that to us?
Really think it all depends on the dog, too. My Chessie learns in a different way than my Collie mix, so tricks that were "easy" for her make him go "Wait...what?"

Tricks that I think are fun to teach, and honestly pretty basic (you can get a result with minimal effort, although to really polish the trick takes work):
Sit Pretty
Roll Over
Play Dead
High Five (I find shake annoying)

I'd like to teach Abrams to balance things on his nose (our old retriever would do that with cookies), but he's a spazz and goes, "ZOMG, YOUR PUTTING SOMETHING NEAR MY FACE, IT MUST BE A TOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and turns into chewy-demon dog. I blame myself, because when he was a pup and came across a "scary" object, I made it a game for him, so now all new things are toys. LOL

I read somewhere (probably on here) to use a hand target to teach the dog to remain still, so I'm going to give that a whirl.

I still want to teach him perch work, to work on his hind end awareness. Just finding something that can support his weight and he can move around easily is hard.
Tricks that I think are fun to teach, and honestly pretty basic (you can get a result with minimal effort, although to really polish the trick takes work):
Sit Pretty
Roll Over
Play Dead
High Five (I find shake annoying)

My friend has started teaching shake to Lotta. She is going to look into also those other suggestions.
Easy Dog Tricks

These tricks require one movement from your dog, using simple dog training basics. Your dog may already do some of them on his own, and all you need to do is get him to do it on command!

Take a bow
Spin in a circle
Leave it
Touch your hand
Tricks With Props

Your dog can do something with objects such as dog agility equipment. Some of these can become even more exciting by using an unexpected object, like teaching him to fetch a hat or jump your arm or leg!

Jump over an object
Run through a tunnel
Go over a teeter totter, wobble board or buja board
Jump up on a short table
Tricks Requiring Shaping

When you “shape†your dog trick, you take several movements and put them together into a more complicated trick. For instance, to play dead, your dog must know how to down first.

Play dead
Ring a bell
Weave between your legs
Pick a hand


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