
Apr 7, 2006
Austin TX
Lacie was 11 years old when she died this week. The vet thinks she had a stroke. She was no trouble in life and no trouble in death. Always the quiet girl. Go here and select Lacie Memorial to see some pictures.

Lacie came to us when she was 8 months old. She was living with a college age girl in an apartment who didn't really understand what a rotty/mastiff puppy would turn into. The first time I met her, I thought oh,no. She was painfully shy. But she stuck in my head. The girl was trying to sell her and I knew she would not 'show' well. I kept seeing her in the pound and knew with her shy ways, she would not be adoptable in that enviroment. So I went back over and asked the girl to leave me alone with her. After about 10 minutes of watching TV quietly with my hand draped casually behind me, I felt a nuzzle. Soon she was right next to me, anxious but looking me in the eye as I gently petted her big old head. I took her home that night and never regretted it.

Although we did go to obedience classes, Lacie never did become a social creature. She was ready to love anyone who would take the time to let her get used to them. She loved all things smaller than herself immediately.

Lacie was a lover of all cats. She lived to sniff a little cat butte. She was really a protector of all creatures in the house. She loved children. My best friend's baby held onto Lacies back while taking his first steps.

The best thing Lacie did was love. I will miss her always.
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