Immediately off-putting

Ha ha! Yes, shih tzus are awesome.

Aaaaand spent the weekend at a Barn Hunt trial with Louis, and elicited several insane reactions from other dogs, completely unwarranted, and from a distance. It's gotten to be really funny, actually. All the dogs that FREAKED out at the sight of him were really spooky Border Collies.
If it's any help, I met an incredibly well-behaved Bouv at herding this weekend and her owner mentioned that she gets bad reactions from other dogs... but the two dogs that were weird about her (mine and one of the younger/wilder BCs) are both dogs that have some pre-existing social maladjustment as demonstrated amply elsewhere. I felt a bit bad for the lady because she kept trying to put it on her dog, like she might have (God forbid) looked at one of them wrong, but no... it was ours that were the problem(s), guaranteed.

They're a problem with each other too... I'm going to have to remember to schedule lessons for times when that dog won't be attending because they're just too much for each other to be around and keep each other on high alert it seems to me. :( The Bouv and her lady were caught in the young-and-stupid-reactivity crossfire.* If anything the Bouv was insanely tolerant of the two trying to act like douches.
I was so happy yesterday, as we met a dog that actually seemed really OK with Louis, and wanted to play. LOL! We were in a tennis court playing, and saw an older man and his Golden / lab / cross out for their walk, as we do a few times a week. When we exited the tennis court he waited up ahead for us, as he obviously wanted to chat. He was curious about Louis' breed, and was admiring how well trained he was (that always makes my day). He asked if the dogs could meet, and I gave my standard response "Sure, if they can do so calmly." They sniffed, I called Louis away, and both dogs were interested in more. I decided to end it there, as I wanted poor Louis to have a positive dog interaction and didn't want to risk something going wrong.
Interestingly, we've met several Yorkies who like Louis, are normal upon meeting him, and then want to play. Met another one this morning named Bear. The name made me laugh out loud.

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