I'm not sure whether this is really funny or really irritating

This website didn't bug me at all actually. I think people need to make an educated choice either way about spaying and neutering their pets or leaving them intact. It's the first website I've ever stumbled acros that doesn't make people with intact pets look like the devil.
thats right.. actually its informative... thanks for sharin by the way....
While I only skimmed it I feal all non breeding stock should be ALTERED. As a hopefull breeder I would be willing to discuss and consider other sexual alteration options with proven dog owners
Wow kindof extreme eh to compare someone who thinks neutering is good to Hitler? Even if the author does have some good points (and I think they do) the tone of the entire website is ridiculous. It's easy to throw the good points out the window when pet owners with altered dogs are called lazy and all the comparisons to Nazi's.
I don't ever think it's funny to joke about Nazi's.

Furthermore--what really am I harming by altering my pet. I read what she has about growth and about hormones and behaviors and while I can see some medical truth to the fact about growth--I don't understand why the altered behaviors and hormones are a problem? Do they really think altered dogs think about how terrible their life is because they do not have gonads? really--.
The only problem is that the wrong people don't S/N .....
This website didn't bug me at all actually. I think people need to make an educated choice either way about spaying and neutering their pets or leaving them intact. It's the first website I've ever stumbled acros that doesn't make people with intact pets look like the devil.

Yeah but its calling people who alter their pets Nazis; not much better IMO. I understand making an informed decision on whether you want to S/N, but this guy flat out says that its mutilation and if you do it, you're the scum of the Earth. :rolleyes:
I wish I could just see a site that has the pros and cons and no bias but it seems you get one or the other. I don't like sites which push keeping a dog intact because I think it's a lot more dangerous for ALL DOGS IN GENERAL to have more people keeping their dogs intact. Most people who own dogs are irresponsible (think about 3 irresponsible dog owners you've seen right now, I know I can) and I think overpopulation is too big a deal to be pushing the idea of an intact dog. That is why I'd rather see a site pro neutering than anti-neutering even though I am not one of the people who am against intact dogs, I'm just afraid of irresponsible people getting hold of this info and using it as an excuse to keep their dog intact because they are really too lazy, too cheap, want puppies, or don't want to give up "their" (:confused:) manhood.
irresponsible people getting hold of this info and using it as an excuse to keep their dog intact because they are really too lazy, too cheap, want puppies, or don't want to give up "their" (:confused:) manhood.

Ugh I heard the " manhood gone" excuse everytime :rolleyes:

Some people belive is cruelty, or that they are not goin to watch or guard the house anymore if they are spayed.:mad:
Yeah but its calling people who alter their pets Nazis; not much better IMO. I understand making an informed decision on whether you want to S/N, but this guy flat out says that its mutilation and if you do it, you're the scum of the Earth. :rolleyes:

Oh I agree! That was flat out insanity.
off-topic, but mayasmydobe I have that exact same shirt thats in your avatar! lol

ok lol back on topic. I think that site was rediculous. I would agree with people being able to make their own educated decision about spaying/neutering IF there werent millions of dogs being put down every year because of irresponsible people who cant control their own dog. So obviously the whole "letting people have their own educated opinion" thing isnt quite working, IMHO.
*pukes* do NOT look at the "gentleing" page...

I don't find that gross at all but then again I always had the job of cleaning our two mini's studs' sheaths. Some times they got WAY too happy about it.
To relieve mating stress in a dog, gently stroke its sheath.
During full heat a bitch will find relief if you massage her vulva and finger her. To gentle a bitch, gently work a finger into her vulva. You may need to feel around carefully to find the entrance to her vagina, which will be toward the upper area of her vulva hood, in the standing position.You may feel a hard bead inside her vagina (clitoris) that may make the bitch buck when touched; some bitches enjoy this and will find pleasure by humping against your finger, others may not.
Ahem... Beastality much?

To relieve mating stress in a dog, gently stroke its sheath.
During full heat a bitch will find relief if you massage her vulva and finger her. To gentle a bitch, gently work a finger into her vulva. You may need to feel around carefully to find the entrance to her vagina, which will be toward the upper area of her vulva hood, in the standing position.You may feel a hard bead inside her vagina (clitoris) that may make the bitch buck when touched; some bitches enjoy this and will find pleasure by humping against your finger, others may not.

Ahem... Beastality much?

