ill shih tzu

Feb 28, 1993
Recently my 3yr old female shih tzu has been vomiting and eating next to nothing, she is a very fussy eater at the best. I have taken her to the vet and she put her on rantadine for her stomach. The other day i noticed that she vomited after giving her her medication followed by drinking some water, now she does not want to drink much at all and have not noticed her urinating at all for the past day. She is scheduled to see the vet today again.
My himilayian is presently on medication for a urinary infection which i told the vet about but she did not think that was the cause of my Sadie's symptoms. Im really concerned about her and wondered if anyone else has had there dog show these symptoms and could give any ideas to tell out vet to check. Sadie has displayed in the past week, sneezing bouts,vomiting, decreased urination,poor apetite to none,and is now not drinking much. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Feb 28, 1993
Thank you for your concern bubbatd, I had a scary day at the Vets on friday and Sadie came close to having surgery. After two xrays and dye it appeared that Sadie had swallowed a large piece of one of her treats and there was a blockage at the small stomach and intestine and the vet was prepared to do surgery right away. Lucky for us we have a caring vet who was willing to stay late on a friday night to help Sadie, the vet decided to complete the series of xrays and did the final 3rd one, this xray showed that there was some movement in the dye which saved Sadie from surgery and i was extremely happy she did not have to go through it. Today she went back for another xray and things looked very good and things were good for most of the day till after her medication. Now she is trembling on and off and i am wondering if it is a drug interaction. The vet put her on metoclopride and zantac. Im not sure if i should discontinue the one drug that is new as she was taking the zantac before the metoclopride. One thing i have learned through this ordeal is be carefull what you give your dog for treats as it can cause them a lot of unecessary pain.

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