I already posted a bunch, but I guess this makes us official...


The Littlest Hound
Oct 13, 2009
Hi there! We're currently in Central PA, but most of the dogs are from IN (except for Daisy, she's from SE PA). I "stole" Daisy from my boyfriend about 4 years ago, she was living in an outside kennel but was a pretty bad hunting dog and just generally needed more attention... she's now my #1 obedience dog - we should be in our 3rd rally show this Sat and be getting our last leg to RN! People always eye me funny when I show up with a basset, but I know what I have ;)

Eerie was our first purchase of a dog together... she'll be four Nov 1st, and we've had her 3 and a half years. She's turned out to be a terribly inconsistant hunter, a nightmare to show (she refuses to stand still) despite being built almost perfectly, and just generally an incorrigible pain in the butt. But she is Bob's baby and he wouldn't sell her for a blank check (I, on the other hand, have had days where I've been willing to GIVE her away!).

I figure the above photo kills two birds with one stone - the dog on the left (with us girls) is Eerie, the dog on the right with Bob is Bear - he's owned by a hunting buddy of ours and I handle him for show. When I'm not living in an apartment and have a place to keep him, we will own him :) He is HUGE, but is the biggest weenie. He's terribly loving, and terribly concerned about everything at the same time. He loves being in the woods and hunting, hates getting primped and ready for shows. He's my second fav man, and I always tell my boyfriend Bear's the 1st handsome... he turned 5 in May, and has been traveling with us since late last July.

Liz is my love. She's Eerie's mother, and my boyfriend bought her for me two years ago this Christmas when our breeder sold off her Plott dogs. Originally we bought her so that I too would have a coondog and would be more excited to accompany Bob on his trips to the woods. Well, the plan backfired horridly... Liz is terrified of a 'coon. :lol-sign: At 6 years old now, she is semi-retired from the show ring, and goes squirrel hunting, and even coonhunting (though she mostly just walks along). It took her a while to adjust to indoor life, and for a while I thought we weren't bonding and the thought bothered me tremendously. Obedience classes have done wonders for us... she is so willing to please and so obviously obsessed with me, it's been an eye-opening experience. Wouldn't trade this dog for the world, even if she is just the resident Princess Potlicker... she has her own pick fleece coat & accompanies me to work on a regular basis.

Last is Autumn, the feist. We picked her our at a dog show (non-registered, but I plan to single-register so she can compete in some things) for $15. Only impulse buy I've ever made on a dog, and I've never regretted it. She is hands-down the most intelligent, intuitive little dog I've ever met. She's been retrieving squirrels since 14wks, LOVES to swim/retrieve in water, and just generally is a happy, jack-of-all-trades, go-anywhere kind of dog. She is my boyfriends baby, 2nd only to Eer. She is 2 as of July.

soo... that's our pack! add in all the fosters (the beagles, the pit bull, the GSP, the walker dogs...) we just really like dogs!


Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2004
Welcome! I just loved reading about each of your dogs. I've never seen or met a Plot hound so this was nice. I look forward to seeing more of your family on Chaz.

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