I dunno if you have the cattle or horses to play this game but I'll mention it.
My son started this because he likes to paint the cattle and horses Sioux style, but needs to tire them out before making them stand still for hours.
He picks a horse or steer then tramps the front feet in liverworst
then lets the whole herd out the gates running .. they always end up on the north lot, that's a good distance maybe of 215 acres or so. Then he goes and gets a dog, usually Granduer because she's fast, Sara if he's wanting to paint a yearling. That's a rule by the way. Anyhow, he makes her sit then tells her to **** *** **** after pointing to where the liverworst was crushed in the grass by the front feet. Off she goes bringing back the one animal that will be painted and keeping my son and his friends busy for hours.
He keeps times, friends involved, pictures and animals name in a "hobby" book ... :lol-sign:
Some people's kids. :yikes: