How to Resize pictures: A Tutorial


Angel Chicken

Well, I often see how people say they wish they could make their pics smaller, and ask someone to do it for them. With this tutorial, resizing and sharing pics is as easy as pie!

First of all, we'll need to get you a program to resize pics with.

I use a very easy and simple program, called Irfanview. Not only is it crazy easy, but it's FREE!!

Click here to go to the Irfanview Website.

On the left, click "Download", pick your download option. Once it is downloaded, get it installed.

Once it is installed, find your pic. Open Irfanview, and click "File" then "Open" and select the pic you want to resize. Irfanview will have the pic open in a jiffy!

Now-- onto the fun stuff.

Once you have your pic up, click "Image"

Then, Select "Resize/Resample"

A window will pop up.

Select the "Set New Size" Option.

Here it is highlighted in the above picture, you want to change the numbers to a lower value. I usually use 500 Width and 377 Height. Then click "Ok".

Your pic is now resized!!

Save to your computer. File -> Save As.

To learn how to upload, click here.

Now-- get to sharing those pics!!

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