Help! Dog started pooping in the house!


New Member
May 23, 2019
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Fort Collins
Hopefully someone can help me out!
We have a 4 year old black lab-pitbull, Luna, who is the sweet as can be. In our previous apartment she began peeing and pooping on our carpet in our living room. It was a pain and frustrating but we really just kind of dealt with it. We took her to the vet to double check that it wasn't a health issue causing these problems, it wasn't. The vet really only told us to ensure that she does out enough during the day. Soon after this began we ended up moving to a home that had hardwood floors and had no problems with her there. We moved into a really nice, brand new apartment about 6 months ago and she hadn't had any problems at all until recently. About a week ago, on our way home we got a flat tire and it took us a few hours longer to get home than we had hoped. When we got home, Luna had pooped on the carpet, not really a surprise to us as she had been home alone for so long. Today when I came home from work she had pooped and peed on the carpet even though I was only gone a few hours. Her poop was firm so its didn't seem like something that was a stomach issue. She pooped this morning when we took her out so I'm assuming that it wasn't an urgency issue. I'm no where near a dog expert but it seems like since it has happened once that she thinks that this is an OK place for her to relieve herself. I was told strictly not to scold her when this happens since it is probably hours after she did it, scolding her wouldn't be productive. One thing I noticed at our last apartment when she was doing this was that when we spent more time in the living room with her she did it less, like perhaps she didn't want to eliminate in an area that she spend more time in. I'm trying to do that now with her but I was curious if anyone else has had any experiences similar and any luck reversing this behavior.
Thank you in advance for you input!
Hannah and Luna
All I can think of is to confine her to a small area when she is alone and also to be sure to remove all traces of the scent where she went before.

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