Crazy naked dog lady
I know I rarely post on the actual forum anymore now that we have the Chaz Facebook group. For those that aren't friends with me on FB or in the FB group...
I lost my sweet young Xolo boy, Itztli, on December 17. He was only a year and a half. According to the vet his kidneys were under developed and really small. I took him to the emergency vet because we had been treating him for a yeast infection and what my vet thought was leaky gut. He had starting having shakey tremors which was very odd so we went to the emergency vet where they diagnosed him in late stages of kidney failure. That was on a Tuesday. He failed so fast that by Thursday he couldn't stand up to walk, he had ulcers in his mouth that had quadrupled from Tuesday. We had him on fluids and Chinese herbs and had tried a couple other things such as acupuncture and ozone treatment. Thursday, December 17 I made the hardest decision I have ever had to make. I said goodbye to one of my best friends. I miss him terribly. I've recently lost two human friends as well in the past month and I'm taking the loss of my dog so much harder.
Run free my sweet sweet boy.
June 19, 2014 - December 17, 2015
Link to some pics. I can't figure out how to share the pics from my phone on tapatalk.
I lost my sweet young Xolo boy, Itztli, on December 17. He was only a year and a half. According to the vet his kidneys were under developed and really small. I took him to the emergency vet because we had been treating him for a yeast infection and what my vet thought was leaky gut. He had starting having shakey tremors which was very odd so we went to the emergency vet where they diagnosed him in late stages of kidney failure. That was on a Tuesday. He failed so fast that by Thursday he couldn't stand up to walk, he had ulcers in his mouth that had quadrupled from Tuesday. We had him on fluids and Chinese herbs and had tried a couple other things such as acupuncture and ozone treatment. Thursday, December 17 I made the hardest decision I have ever had to make. I said goodbye to one of my best friends. I miss him terribly. I've recently lost two human friends as well in the past month and I'm taking the loss of my dog so much harder.
Run free my sweet sweet boy.
June 19, 2014 - December 17, 2015
Link to some pics. I can't figure out how to share the pics from my phone on tapatalk.