Ghosts/paranormal do you believe? Experiences?


Duck Toller Queen
Sep 24, 2005
Victora, BC
Have you ever had any paranormal experiences or ever seen, senced a ghost or anything?

When I was about 10, I remember we lived in this house and I kept seeing this little white dog everywhere that looked like a little westy. It was so weird, I'd see it running along or see its back legs kicking from behind a wall. I even saw a man come down our stairs in a heavy coat with a stick and this little dog at his feet, I rememeber telling my mum about this and my brother overhearing and saying that he'd been seeing a white dog running around too. It was so weird. And then one day it just went away, and after a while I told mum I hadn't really seen this dog since I'd told her and neither had my brother. She then told me that she had gone into each room of our house and asked for these spirits to be put to rest or something along those lines.

The weirder thing is that when I was planting some things in the garden and digging I found a small bone that looked easily like it could have been part of a westy-sized dog. I thought that the man could have burried his dog in the garden when he died. I had brought it into the house. I think that may have been what triggered it.


Mar 27, 2005
QLD, Australia
i definetley believe. I have had too much happen to me not to. One incident is that I see a thin black cat around the house a lot, I havn't seen it in months but used to see it atleast twuice weekly.

These things used to scare me, but not anymore. I would say the strongest presence I have felt is of a boy standing in my room, he was about 13 but acted about 16 had brown hair. I soon fell asleep and saw a woman in my dream, she was just there and said "MAGGIE" (my name) I immediatley woke up. Now I did not see this boy I just knew he was there, I told my sister about it, she has had a boy in her room matching this discription, running around getting stuff for his mother, which he described as the same as I had.

THis topic interests me hugely. There is a lot more I could tell you of seeing flashes of people, "imaginary" friends (which me and my sister both had the same one, my mother would see a girl around our house that matched her discription, hearing things and such. But I just thought I would let you know of that one.


New Member
May 31, 2005
I don't believe.
I do believe our minds can play some weird tricks on us though. I have seen things that at first my mind has perceived as being a ghost, monster and going in for a closer inspection turned out to be a bag, or a shadow etc. :D I also believe that some people suffer from slight schizophrenia. Also, sometimes if you are depressed and really want to believe something your mind can come up with some weird things. For example my cousins father committed suicide a week before she graduated high school...she had delusions for weeks after he was gone and saw him every where and on the night of her graduation she tells everyone he came and sat on her bed while she was sleeping, when she woke up he was sitting there smiling at her. I believe she was so full of greif her imagination and mental state made her believe things and see things that were not actually there. All things including these so called exorcisms are just people who are suffering from severe mental problems such as schizophrenia and back in the day of not understanding they treated them as if they were possessed...if you don't have an explanation then supernatural ideas automatically spring up. Look at all the poor girls who died because people "thought" they were witches. :rolleyes:


Mar 27, 2005
QLD, Australia
That is interesting the story about her father on her bed. I think I have a special connection with my poppy, he dies on my sisters birthday and out of all my relative taht have pased on, I feel as though I can talk to him about my problems and I know he is listening.
My thoughts are that if we can't explain it, we say it doesn;t exist. i prefer to believe that we can't possibly explain anything and as much as I love science sometimes unexplainable things happen


Aug 14, 2005
We lived in a old farm house that not only did my mom believe something wasnt right with it but all of kids can tell stories and even my cousins who would stay the night. Stopped having ghost trouble after we moved.
Then I lived with the father of my daughters before we married. First place he and I lived in: one day I was cleaning, dusting and I picked up a candle, it broke in my hand. No reason, just broke. Later that day I touched a glass, it broke. Later that evening I sat in bed, reading a book and lit a cig., all at once the ashtray shattered! This ashtray was so thick I could have dropped it and would have only chipped it, if that, now shattered for no reason. It was just really strange. Next day I was talking to the landlords son (lived next door), told him about my odd day, he said his grandmother had lived there and she caught her bed on fire one night when falling asleep smoking.

Odd stuff kept happening everywhere we lived. But then one house we lived while I was pregnant, we shut off a room to help heat the rest of the house, just stored stuff in it. One night we heard what sounded like books being tossed around in the room. My husband at the time, and I both heard it. I know I wasnt nuts, to this day he talks about it to the girls. A few days later I got brave and went in that room, I started looking at the books he had. Witch books and witches bibles. I dont know much about witckens but I think they do for the good, not evil like what he had. I got rid of two very evil books, oh he was so mad when he found out what I did! Strange stuff kept happening then until I couldnt take him any longer, I was pregnant with my 2nd, took my 2 year old and left him. Not only did I leave him but I left all those what seemed to be evil spirits or something behind me!
But get this, he sleeps at his parents home. Did many spells in his bedroom. Now the girls talk about how spooky his room is. They will tell you of Ashlyn, sleeping in that room and waking up screaming in an abnormal way and finding her with scratches on her back. They got so they refused to sleep in his old room. He even stopped sleeping in that room, said to many freaky things going on it there. Then I find out this year that when my oldest was a few months old, he put a spell on her to protect her from the evil he believes he released. All I know is when I left him, the stuff stopped happening.


Dog Show Addict
Sep 16, 2005
Ontario, Canada
I believe for sure

lol Becca your stories gave me goosebumps! lol

When we had our first Show shelties put to sleep (old age 14 and 16), I could still hear them walking around the house a few days after, then i guess they passed on. ya know the sound of a dogs nails on hardwood flooring? I could hear that almost all night for a few days after they were put down. Almost soothing I guess. Then I swear I could still seem them sometimes, like a very very faded image of them, either walking around a corner or going down our hallway clicking their nails.

I've had a few creepy experiences, but haven't had them lately.
At the barn that I used to work at, the house and barn was sort of haunted. The people who owned it before the owner now, one of them committed suicide and the other thought that they didn't want to sell their horses to someone else, so they shot them all. Anyways, I remember going into the barn, opening all the horses stall doors to feed them all, I'd go into the feed room, get all of their feed ready come back out into the stall asile way and all of the stalls would be shut. So i'd open then up put the food in and let the horses in.. after the horses were done, (I'd usually be cleaning up the tack room while they ate) I'd go out to open the stall doors to let them out and some would be opened already.. it was soo creepy. I've had the feed room door shut on me and stuff.

THen at my house, I had the freakiest experience.. I had JUST made my bed, so the sheets were nice and freshly pressed down, I climb in with a book to do some reading and I look over and all of a sudden there is an imprint of someones body next to be in the bed and someones head on the pillow as if someone was laying next to me. I got out of bed screaming lol I've also heard doors shut and stuff in my house, floor board creaking as if someone is walking on them. Tv turning on and off. It was sort of funny once, I had a big midterm the next day and I decided to watch tv for a bit to just relax before hitting the books.. well whatever it was didn't want me watching tv, each time I turned it on, it'd turn off lol So I went to study, after a few hours of studying I came back to watch tv for a break and it let me! lol

Nothing out of the ordinary has happened in a while, but Jada, our female Sheltie, is super sensative to anything, if she notices a mosquitoe she'll bark at it and watch it.. anyways, she'd be laying down on my bed at night and all of a sudden she'll start this low growly, then get louder and louder, she'll jump up and back up into me and sort of cower a bit, but still growling at like nothing! lol That keeps me right out lol


Walks into Mordor
Aug 12, 2005
Hmm...I'm kind of weird on this one. I don't believe that most people who think they see ghosts actually see them. But I do believe they exist, because my grandmother's spirit still lingers in my old family home. She passed away from cancer long before I was born.

She's not a very obvious spirit: it's more of a feeling of being watched. And not in a bad way, either. It's a very warm, comforting feeling of not being alone. On the rare occassions she does appear obviously, it's usually during a family gathering like Christmas or Thanksgiving. You never see her visibly, you just get an unexplained rush of feeling, and the whole room will suddenly smell like her favorite perfume (an old-fasioned floral scent). Everyone in the room will smell it, and know Grandma is there.

I remember one time two of my cousins, my sister and I were all put to bed in one of the bedrooms. The oldest of us was 7, and the youngest was 1. I was 5. I remember being kissed on the cheek in the dark, and knowing without a doubt that it was Grandma. I know I wasn't the only one, because my oldest cousin said "Good night, grandma." And this happened long before our parents had even told us about Grandma's spirit lingering in the house. It's one of my favorite memories.

There's no malice about her. She had always loved her family very much, and I think she just wanted to stay. I hope she does.
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New Member
Aug 4, 2005
i definitely belive. my friends house has so much weird crap in it anyone who stayed there for a while would believe.

back in seventh grade i spent the week there while my parents went on an anniversary trip. me and my friend kelly were in her bed with this neon light on. and for some reason the power just suddenly went out. and i saw this black blob thing over my head. i know that you see spots and stuff when you go from bright to darkness. but this thing stayed above my head no matter how i turned my head and kelly started screaming 'there's something above you!' we decided to not tell anyone about it since saying 'we saw a black blob thing' didn't sound to intelligent. anyway we didn't tell anyone for years and a couple months ago her bf was at her house. *her parents let him live there since his family moved to branson to this campground th ey own* and he was sleepingo n his stomach and felt something touch him. he turned around and saw this black thing fly from right above him and start going back and forth over the closet door.

sometimes you can hear this screaming noise coming from their upstairs. it sounds like when two horses start fighting.

when he was five corey *kellys brother* ran downstairs telling his mom about an indian in her room. he had this huge bird feather with him.

in corey's room at night his fan will switch on. i've seen his closet light switch flip on and off when no one is on that side of the room.

at night when you're quiet some times you can hear someone talking outside kellys room and no one's there. if your downstairs you can hear people walking back and forth on the deck but if you look no one is ever there.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2005
Arlington, VA
omg riot...your story about the imprint in your bed...holy crap...that is beyond scary

i havent really had any exprerience with ghosts...they freak me out 4th grade, we watched some video about ghosts...and there was this one named 'blue boy' and unless anyone asks, im not gonna go into more detail now...but all i can say is i usually dont consider myself to be THAT big of a 'scaredy cat' but i had to get up after it..and just went to the bathroom, to get OUT of the classroom...i was just so freaked out...and i remember coming home, and my mom making me practice violin...and i just bursted into tears cause i was so STILL freaks me out...i dont like thinking about it...and that was a stupid video 10 years ago!!

my cousin insists my house is haunted...cause you can hear footsteps sometimes...but i just blame it on the creakyness, cause our house was built in 1926. the freakiest thing that happened was when i was laying in bed one night, and my shade SNAPPED up, was SO loud and so surprised i didnt have a heart attack, first instinct was that it was a ghost...but yeah, who knows.

one of my friends had this really cool theory, that i really believe in:

basically, ghosts have a 'central' living space in each city...(or maybe a few if the city is big) you know how there is always that ONE creepy haunted house?? that would be it :p the spirits kinda hang out there...but are free to come and go (which would explain situations like gem's) my friend lived in 'that' house...she has sooo many freaky experiences...they even took one of those movies where you measure heat/movement (soemthing like that) and they could see figures walking about.


New Member
Sep 21, 2005
My roommate and I always joked that our house was haunted. We kept really different schedules, and sometimes I would wake up at midnight, when she usually got home, hearing creaky noises. I'd hear the front door close, the bathroom light click on, the water run, things clunking in her room, and I'll call out her name. Then all would be silent, and I'd get up to talk to her, but she wasn't there. AT ALL. She would have the same experiences thinking it was me, then get up and find me sleeping in bed, never having run the water or moved from bed. We blamed it on the creakiness of the house, but I think we halfway believed our house was haunted.

Also, the janitor at the gym I go to refuses to clean the place anymore. He swears that at midnight, every night, the machines start going upstairs and he sees people running around the track. He's so freaked out he won't even clean with a crew now (he was there alone). So a couple of us are going to go at midnight with the manager and check it out.


Duck Toller Queen
Sep 24, 2005
Victora, BC
woah, good responses. I think the majority of people do actually believe in this kind of stuff... its so weird isn't it though? Because, well, if your like me.. you believe when your dead, your dead, gone, forever. You can't think or feel or move or exist at all. But sometimes I think that ghosts must proove there is something beyond death, but I don't see what that can be. Maybe everyone really does have a spirit/soul inside of them that gets left behind sometimes for some reasons.

I've had other experiences with ghosts. My Grandma has apparently seen her uncle but I've never asked her about it. When I lived in my old house back in england, I used to get feelings all over the place. When we first moved in I was petrified of going in the bathroom because I had this really really strong sence of being watched or not being alone, I used to look around me all the time when I was cleaning my teeth etc. When I used to walk past my brothers room I got this horrible sence of something being in there, same wiht our kitchen downstairs. I don't know if it was because of all these feelings I got, but every single room in that house I dreamed of a ghost being in there, really vividly. Once when I had moved into the larger bedroom I dreamed about a little boy being in there and when I first had that room when we first moved in I felt really strange in it.

I especially liked the story about the person who could still hear their dogs walking around. Thats really interesting. I was thinking, could it just be so totally etched in your memory because you'd had these dogs for so long, or was it really ghosts

(I'll explain what I meant by totally etched in your memory that seems kinda vague)

I remember when I left my boyfriend to move to canada (not literally left we're still together but physically left) I could still feel his presence, all over me. In fact I was in such an unstable emotional state that I could feel his hand touching my hand for a few moments and it really freaked me out. And some mornings I've woken up and been so utterly sure that he is there, and turned over to cuddle him but he's not there, and I remember he didn't stay over that night. Its the same kinda feeling of having a strong presence with you, but he's not dead.

Now that just gets me thinking that maybe that other person was partially right, that this kinda thing can be due to emotional state because stuff we are so utterly used to, so used to have these people or animals there, that those feelings don't leave us when those people/animals do.

But there is no doubting myself that I believe in ghosts. I'm a believer in Science too, but I think there are "higher things" out there.


well iwould say i believe in spirits not necessarily ghosts but spirits that do come around... when my father broke my jaw and they moved me to my uncles house in oklahoma and i had just had my surgery...(cystoscopy) and i walked out of the bathroom to go back to bed which was right across the hall... i swore my nana was standing in the hall at the other end watching me... i see her hair face and all but at a glance nothing like a stopped...i walked back out in the hall and no one was standing there...I felt so wierd because of it... I havent seen her since 1988 and i was so young i dont remember what she looked like but it was her... and it was wierd...

still not sure if i believe in ghosts but spirits yes


My pets love me they do
Jul 5, 2005
Ok I have one for you. My brother passed away Feb 2002 - he committed suicide at his home. The day after he was found we all got together to clean out his house. He had hung himself in his garage which was the one place we were all trying to avoid going into. Before he had died he was looking for this important letter (long story short on the letter it proved he had completed a class ordered by the courts) that would keep him from going back to jail. I went over one night and we searched and searched for hours and could not find it. Well the day we were cleaning out his apartment me and my sister decided to go start working on the garage and to try and keep my dad from going in there. We were in there for about 10 min and the lights turned on - they had to be plugged in from outside. I ask my sister why she turned them on and she swore she didnt. I look outside and they are not plugged in ok this freaks me out a bit, about 5 min after they turned on they turned off. We went about cleaning it out some more when 15 min or so later they came back on I looked outside again and they were not plugged in, so being scared to death we decided to get out of the garage, I took 2 or 3 steps back and tripped over this bucket. I didnt fall but turned around to see what was in this bucket and I found the letter we had been looking for the weeks before that would of cleared up the matter my brother was having. You want to talk about spooky


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Wow, everyone's stories are very interesting. Personally, I don't believe in anything supernatural. I think once your brain is no longer functioning, then that's it. Everything that was you is gone. So, I've never seen a ghost or felt a spirit or anything like that...


Apr 10, 2004
In a wolf pack
Sometimes, I think Tiggy is evil.She looks through squinted eyes at me.First she winks, then she decides to look evil.I came out of the bathroom and it happened again, and Tiggy is a really good cat.I think it is just her tabby-eyes.
My mom says she has seen a lot of things.Sometimes, though, at my dad's house, I hear a very famil;iam pitter-patter, comeing from an old gerbil-cage that is no longer there.Buddy goes to bed when I do, and always kicks his bedding out through the wires, but I always hear bedding being rumpled and a wheel spinning, and Buddy chewed up his wheel, so we kjust took it out.

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