Even with Experience and reaserch probs can happen!


Salty Sea Dog
Feb 14, 2006
Well its been quite some time, some of you may rember my plans to breed my 2 chis, both are from free whelping lines, great bloodlines and wonderfull confirmation, vets checks on both dogs perfect, xrays showed vixies hips and pelvis prime realestate for a litter, keens and heart tests excelent, even genetic background looked great, breeding occured, everythign whent well puppies developed wonderfully mommy did great untill the due day.
she whent into labour as is normal, a few hours in nothing...
Knowing all the sighns of distress at 2:30 am i took her to the emergency vet, an ultrasound confirmed that while labour was intense the puppies had just not descended into the birth canal...the vet said the pups were a nice size shoudlnt have any problems but for some reason vixie said it was time and the pups wanted to stay...
she was given a shot to try and help but nothing so they did an emergency c-section.
Had we have waited even 1/2 hour longer the vet says the pups probably woudlnt have survived!

LUCKILY mom and puppies did wonderfully, all 4 pups were strong and sound, and momma was up and around 15 mins out of comming out of surgery...

Unfortunatly we had her spayed during the surgery, the reason for the pups not descending is a medical mysetry and im not willing to risk another c-section by breeding her again...

The point of this...

I did alot of reaserch into both her and dodgers lines as i bought with the plans of breeding, even with all that reaserch problems still arose...
Im glad i am experienced, had i not known the sighns to look for i might be posting a RIP for vix and her pups, but instead i have a healthy ahpy vixie and a wonderfull litter of 4, 9 wk old chi pups terrorizing my home lol.

Do i plan on breeding again, yes, just not from this line...all her pups go home with a spay/neuter contract.
Id like to find another female along the line and continue breeding but for now im just going to enjoy my vixies company.

Dodger will be neutered also as weve found he "wont perform" as a stud, he just loves his vixie and wont take another female...so the plan is to get him neutered after the pups are gon in about a week...

at about 1 week old!...SUCH a good momma

PLEASE if your planning on breeding ANY dog, just keep in mind, if those of us with experience can have problems...if we can lose our females and entire litters...just think what could happen if you dont knwo what to look for?!

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