Dogs and seasonal environmental allergies


New Member
May 28, 2014
Like humans are allergy prone similarly dogs too can be allergic to some food, flea, bacteria, contact, atopy etc. seasonal environmental allergies in humans are typically identified by their sneezing, running nose or red irritated watery eyes on the other hand when a dog is affected by seasonal environmental allergies the symptoms are very much different.
Few signs of seasonal environmental allergies found in dogs: -
A very common test named as ESP Test that stands for Ears, Skin and Paws is the simplest check you can do in order to find whether your dog is showing symptoms of seasonal environmental allergies or not.
Ears: Check your vet for any strong odour or discharge that might be coming from your dogs ears, also if he has any recurring ear infections or not. Few signs are like pawing at its ears or shaking its head.
Skin: Consult your vet if you witness your dog itching and scratching, rubbing against the furniture in order to get relief or of course grooming. Some symptoms are also like hair loss, skin lesions and redness.
Paws: If your dog is excessively chewing at its paws or if the dog is grooming to the point of removing fur you need to see you vet. As a matter of fact itchy paws might be the sign of an allergy. Other symptoms might include paw discolouration caused fro liking or red sore.
Thanks & Regard,

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