Chaz puppies of 2016

Takoda's breeder told me to friend her on FB because she updates her page more then the "kennel" one. We're treated to pictures and/or videos and updates numerous times a day. :)

Lucky! My breeder has Facebook and we talk on there all the time. She was actually giving me hourly updates while the puppies were being born so I knew how many and what colours, and she posted an initial photo of the litter with mom in the box, but nothing since. She doesn't post a ton on Facebook in general. Last time she sent out puppy update e-mails every week. But I didn't contact her until puppies were already 4 weeks old, so I'm not sure exactly when she started sending the updates. There's probably not a whole lot to say about week old puppies! Lol.
Here's pics of my little man. he's 2.5 months gonna be 3 months in 2 weeks and he's a miniature pinscher mix.


Okay, huge kink in my plans. My breeder just told me I'm dreaming if I think I can fit a greyhound puppy in the cabin of my flight. I really did not want to have to ship a puppy as luggage. I think it's a really impressionable age for something that scary to be happening to them. I know people do it all the time and sometimes there's no way around it, but darnit! My tech at work has brought home 8 week old Rottie puppies several times and they always fit. I know a greyhound is taller, but a Rottie is still a pretty big breed.

She said I could try to fit her, but to be prepared with a hard sided airline kennel because she really doesn't think it's happening. Sigh.
Okay, huge kink in my plans. My breeder just told me I'm dreaming if I think I can fit a greyhound puppy in the cabin of my flight. I really did not want to have to ship a puppy as luggage. I think it's a really impressionable age for something that scary to be happening to them. I know people do it all the time and sometimes there's no way around it, but darnit! My tech at work has brought home 8 week old Rottie puppies several times and they always fit. I know a greyhound is taller, but a Rottie is still a pretty big breed.

She said I could try to fit her, but to be prepared with a hard sided airline kennel because she really doesn't think it's happening. Sigh.

Daya and Sheena were both flown here in cargo and did great. It is all about the prep and researching the airline. Sheena flew at 8 weeks with no issues at all. Daya had a much longer travel time since she came from Europe(24 hours) and she traveled at 10 weeks. Again 0 issues or concerns. Her breeder prepped her really well. Phoenix will be flying from Europe as well at 10 weeks. We were not in a position to fly there to get them so always had to arrange travel. Fingers crossed that the cabin is a possibility but if not, if the pup is prepped well and it is a good airline there should be no problems. One of the ways my breeders got the pups ready was when they were old enough to eat separately from their litter I advised them to feed them in the travel crate on top of a washing machine that is running. We always start with a drier for the first few days as that is not as loud and the vibration is less. But when they ignore the drier then move the crate to the top of the washing machine because the vibration and noise can help them get use to it and the food makes it a positive experience. By the time they fly it is no big deal. Just an idea to suggest. Good luck
Wow! These are a parade of different breeds of good looking puppies. Mine is a turning two years old male Shih Tzu. Just like yours, he seems to be very smart and yet a very sweet dog.
argggg the litter is due tomorrow. Yes I know it could still be a couple more days after that but the waiting is driving me crazy. lol So can't wait to see the little, squirming balls of white.
More puppies. The more I see the more I want. The want is stronger, and I really think I might cave soon(Must resist).

Kaner is 16 weeks old today.







Ahhh, I love Kane so much. Bi-Black Shelties are by far, my favorite color in the breed.

If the stars align, I should have my next Amstaff pup in July :D
Yayyy! Congrats. Can't wait. All of your AmStaffs are amazingly gorgeous, and I'm sure that will be the same for him/her.
So excited that I just have to share. Our new pup was born last night. Here is Phoenix's arrival into this world. Mom is doing great the breeder says. 8 puppies. All are already reserved. 3 Males and 5 Females. So we will have 3 males to watch and figure out which one is Phoenix. Mom had 6 puppies in 1 hour and the other two followed soon after. She gave me permission to share these beautiful photos. So even though we don't know which one exactly is Phoenix for several weeks we get to celebrate that he came into this world yesterday and enjoy looking at all these gorgeous pups.




I know I am going to drive you all nuts with photos for the next several months. I do apologize in advance. lol The breeder sent me new puppy pictures this morning. One of these ones might be Phoenix. They are so adorable. The breeder says all the pups are doing great and so is mama. I can just imagine the puppy breath smell. So miss that. Can we all say AWWWWWW




Got a 3 week update from my breeder last night (puppies are actually 4 weeks today but she's a little behind getting e-mails out). They are looking like little puppies now finally. Eyes are open and they're exploring and meeting her other dogs.

Unfortunately, there was an incident yesterday with mom stepping on one of the little girls and breaking her back leg. :( Orthopedic surgeon says it'll be okay. She's in a splint and has to be separated from the rest of the puppies.
Awww poor little pup. They are at such a fun age at 4 weeks. Can you post any pictures?

Got a 3 week update from my breeder last night (puppies are actually 4 weeks today but she's a little behind getting e-mails out). They are looking like little puppies now finally. Eyes are open and they're exploring and meeting her other dogs.

Unfortunately, there was an incident yesterday with mom stepping on one of the little girls and breaking her back leg. :( Orthopedic surgeon says it'll be okay. She's in a splint and has to be separated from the rest of the puppies.
The adult in the photos is their older, full sister from last year's litter, who apparently absolutely adores the babies.

Excitment come June!

Hello All! I typically share on FB rather than the forum, but I have exciting news that doesn't seem real enough to post onto FB yet.

I have been in talks with Oracle Aussies in Ontario for a while now. I didn't expect it to happen this quick, but looks like I may be bringing home a puppy late May/early June. They were born March 22nd.

I'll be matched with a sport prospect.

Here they are one day 2:

Day 9:

I'm beyond thrilled!! Can't wait to be matched
Hello All! I typically share on FB rather than the forum, but I have exciting news that doesn't seem real enough to post onto FB yet.

I have been in talks with Oracle Aussies in Ontario for a while now. I didn't expect it to happen this quick, but looks like I may be bringing home a puppy late May/early June. They were born March 22nd.

I'll be matched with a sport prospect.

AAAAAHHHHHH I am actually dead. I haven't ever gotten a dog from a breed (shelter and private rehome) and I am OBSESSED with Oracle Aussies. I live in the Midwest US and if I was going to get an Aussie (which will probably happen someday) I would basically do anything for it to be from them. I'm SO happy for you and can't wait to watch another Oracle Aussie grow up!
AAAAAHHHHHH I am actually dead. I haven't ever gotten a dog from a breed (shelter and private rehome) and I am OBSESSED with Oracle Aussies. I live in the Midwest US and if I was going to get an Aussie (which will probably happen someday) I would basically do anything for it to be from them. I'm SO happy for you and can't wait to watch another Oracle Aussie grow up!

Yep, I'm quite ecstatic. I also have done nothing else in my lifetime but rescue from foster homes. With my most recent adoption, I've gotten really into dog sports and am so excited for this opportunity.

I had inquired with two other breeders, but would really only have been this happy with an Oracle pup :)

Plus, they post SO MANY PICTURES. I die every time, can't wait to find out which one fits to my home.
I'm trying to be good and NOT add a puppy until 2017, when I'll be adding possibly more than one ... :hail:
Stud has been decided. Contract has been discussed. This whole thing is seeming far more real.

Liver to liver breeding, but both carry for tri. So liver or liver tri puppies. I'm hoping for a male for myself.

OH my god. A puppy!