Carolina ferrets? Good ferret breeder?

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Resident fainting goat
Oct 12, 2008
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Well ive been wanting to get a ferret for a while.. and ive been told that petco ect.. are "mill ferrets" so ive been trying to find a good ferret breeder, but I have been having major trouble. Most are far away and dont ship but i found this..
I have no idea what to look for in a ferret breeder so any help would be great
the ferrets and kits are really cute, and ive never heard of angoras but they are very pretty.. anf fluffy!! lol
They look fine, but I highly recommend you NOT get an angora ferret. They're more suspect to health issues then normal ferrets.

Otherwise, looks good!
Ferret Breeder Links

Just a quick look at both the one in NC and in SC and without much knowledge of ferrets, those two look better than the carolina ferrets you posted.
why do no ferret breeders ship?? ughhh.. so frustrating.

im going to do some research on marshall farm ferrets, im going to probably have to end up finding a ferret at the store or craiglist
why do no ferret breeders ship?? ughhh.. so frustrating.

im going to do some research on marshall farm ferrets, im going to probably have to end up finding a ferret at the store or craiglist

Well, I would imagine they don't feel that shipping is in the ferret's best interest.

I did notice that many of them go to shows and can deliver a ferret to a new owner at a show. I would contact them and see if any of them will be in driving distance of you at some point.
Well, I would imagine they don't feel that shipping is in the ferret's best interest.

I did notice that many of them go to shows and can deliver a ferret to a new owner at a show. I would contact them and see if any of them will be in driving distance of you at some point.

I emailed a couple of them, unfortunatly, florida does not host any ferret shows/events :(
Im gonna see if I can plan a trip or something, but 1st ive gotta pick a breeder lol
About not shipping, maybe join a ferret forum and see about people helping to transport? You can also ask them for some good recommendations.
Aww sorry you can't find any ferrets..... I could probably walk out now and find a breeder, but ferrets are sort of... traditional pets.. here.

Good luck.
Every ferret I've ever owned has been a marshall farms ferret (was the only source where I lived at the time)

I have been perfectly happy with the quality of their animals actually... I know they are a ferret factory but they may be your only option...

Buy an older animal that has had time to aclimate after shipping and feed the best food you can afford...

are there ferret rescues where you are?
Bumping this thread to say that while I have no personal knowlege of Carolina Ferrets, my report came from a second hand source that yes, I don't know her real name, she's an internet friend for many years. Carolina Ferrets felt this was unfair of me and so I am retracting my post.

I would appreciate the call to my home number not happening again, and the threats against my business too, please.
Oh. Special. Calling people over posts from 2009 on a dog forum and threatening them: Carolina Ferrets, home of skeezeballs.
Have you thought of rescues? I have no idea about anything else on the subject.

I hope you find one! :)

ETA: totally missed this was such an old post
Locking this to avoid confusion.
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