Baby's paw was bleeding


New Member
Jul 7, 2005
Sunday I was outside washing the back door and came in to find water on the floor. I was so hoping that water leaked in and not pee. As I started to mop it up I saw what looked like ketchup or blood under the table (it was difficult to see), but I knew we hadn't used ketchup in a while... so I checked out all the kids. Then I saw Baby licking her paw. I ran over and her paw was bleeding. Somewhere near her nail but I could tell anything more. I rinsed it off but it kept bleeding so I put on some flour (works but not as well but I didn't have and quick stop, of course), but she freaked and cried and it was everywhere so I had to just put a papertowel on it, then a large bandage to cover it. Of course my husband had just left on the bike and I just could handle her on my own. When he got home I was able to do a better job. She kept the bandage on until she went to bed but would walk on it at all (atleast I know that if she ever loses a limb she'll be fine). In the mornign the bandage was gone and it was bleeding a very little. I've been cleaning and putting neosporin on it (she so does not like this). She is finally walking on it. I can aslso see it now. It's cut under the nail, horizontally... no idea how she did it or what did it. The past owners of the house broke the back door and there was glass everywhere (they were supposed to clean it up b4 settlement but did they NO), plus it seems like so much more than 1 door. I've been cleaning it up for months now and we even covered it with top soil but it migrating to the surface. I don't know if that if what happened but I've been on a major hunt for glass (again!). I tried to make sure that there isn't any glass still in the cut but trying to hold down a chi is next imposible if they don't want you to.


Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2004
I'm glad you were able to stop the bleeding.

When it rains, the glass will probably start to surface through the ground. We get a lot of rocks and other stuff on top of the soil once a heavy rain has come. I think you will just have to keep inspecting the lawn.

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