Advice about AC


New Member
Jul 8, 2007
Hello all, I'm new here but I already have a question, well I had a question then I found this sight, but anyway.

My Wife and I have a 16 month old Female Basset Hound who's named Samantha or Sammy.

So last summer is when we got her and she was in the crate for the hot months. We just left that in the room with the AC.

But know we don’t leave her in the crate, as she is an obedient dog (as obedient a stubborn Basset can be that is). But that leaves us with the problem of having to shut her in the room that has the AC now when we leave.

My question is; will this be detrimental for her, going from the ability to roam the house to being shut up? I know many dogs stay in their crate all their lives when their masters aren’t home, and that other dogs do get put in the pantry or what have you. So I'm sure dogs in general can handle this, the question I have is whether its good to change up the normal flow of things for a dog in this manner.

My other question is more of a worry; the electrical system in the house is old and it has been known to happen that the barker holding the AC blows turning the AC off. There is also the possibility of brown outs. Last year nothing happened and the AC never went off while we weren't home. But are there any tips to set things up for her in case the AC goes off this year while we aren’t home.

We live on Long Island NY, so it never gets terribly hot except for maybe one or two weeks. Other wise it gets bearably hot. It’s the humidity that is the real problem.


Spot the Difference!
Jul 4, 2007
Could you get her a gel-pad dog bed to lay on? These are supposed to help keep dogs cooler and it helped when my old dalmatian was very old and I was worried about her in any heat at all. I got mine from Jeffers Pet. I have a dachshund; congratulations on your Bassett! Hope this helps =).

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