2014 Official Chaz Fitness Challenge

Beanie, I really, really think you need to be a personal trainer. Both in person and as a consultant. Look at how many people you've helped out in this thread alone, never mind all the others that have popped up over time. I would totally be willing to pay to have you put together a routine/eating plan.
Going from lifting heavy dog bags and running to a desk job and Minnesota winter and stress/school has not been kind to me. At all. Oof.

Now I'm going back to lifting heavy dog bags, I have a real legit road bike, and it may someday warm up enough to run again. I am currently the heaviest and most out of shape that I have ever been. This must change. :(
I signed up for two 5K's this summer. First one is just over two months. I better get running.

Beanie, please move to MI so that you can be my trainer? I need MAJOR help with an eating plan as well.
Going from lifting heavy dog bags and running to a desk job and Minnesota winter and stress/school has not been kind to me. At all. Oof.

Now I'm going back to lifting heavy dog bags, I have a real legit road bike, and it may someday warm up enough to run again. I am currently the heaviest and most out of shape that I have ever been. This must change. :(

I feel your pain...I am such a lump right now. So out of shape.

Just be careful...I switched from a really active job to desk jockeyhood and kept trail running in my usual fashion...started up last spring after a winter of rehabbing MacNut and sitting at a desk all day and apparently thought I could just hit the trails like usual as soon as it was warm enough, and ended up sidelining myself for most of the warm season because I really messed up my knees and hip. Didn't realize til too late...thought it waa just normal spring get-in-shape soreness and I've been running for so many years that I tend to go into mental zen mode and not realize I'm pushing myself too far too fast...

Anyway, just be careful!

I keep saying I'm going to do some 5K's...there's one coming up in a month.
I keep saying I'm going to do some 5K's...there's one coming up in a month.

My friend is doing a Color Run next month. She wanted me to go and I'm like, dude no. I need at least 2 to actually do this training.

I really want this weather to break. I KNOW I will feel SO much more motivated to work out once the 3 feet of snow is gone. And I know the dog park is going to be fun to run with the dogs.

I do need to do some cardio strength training for upper body along with this. Anyone have some good resources for these? Preferably at home.
Beanie, I really, really think you need to be a personal trainer. Both in person and as a consultant. Look at how many people you've helped out in this thread alone, never mind all the others that have popped up over time. I would totally be willing to pay to have you put together a routine/eating plan.

I'm thinking about it... AFAA is $500 for their program, which isn't as intensive as I'd like, but they always have CEU opportunities that could make up what I'd want. Plus I could always look into extra stuff on my own...

I do need to do some cardio strength training for upper body along with this. Anyone have some good resources for these? Preferably at home.

Strength training for running is my forte, LOL.
Core strength is important as a runner - see the list of exercises I recommended for Allie, planks in particular, push-ups as well (since those are really more full-body), and I would also say things like plyometrics. Jump lunges, jump squats, box jumps, ski jumps. Just be careful with those and don't over do it and hurt yourself. I see people doing plyo moves incorrectly and IMO it's easy to hurt yourself when you're doing them wrong and going quickly. Go slow first until your body really knows the move, where it's very much muscle memory, then you can add speed and intensity later.
I will pretty much never not recommend squats. So squats. Body weight is fine, or you can do them holding something heavy if you want more, which I always do. God gave me big fat thighs so I might as well squat heavy. You can do them with dumbbells if you don't have a barbell, I've also been known to throw a dog across my back or put a dog on each shoulders and squat my dogs. =P A pistol squat is a great variation if you're doing body weight, very effective for a runner.
Lunges! Bulgarian lunges I tend to find very helpful for running, as well as just a regular lunge and side lunge.
Deadlifts, you can do these with heavy things around the house or dumbbells. Single-leg deadlifts are a thing as well, kind of like the Bulgarian lunge, it is quite helpful for runners.
I like rows a lot, it works your arms and your shoulders and also your lower back. Somewhere there is that shoulder video I did... here it is:
I do rows in here and an overhead press, both of those are great for runners. The clean & press is a fave of mine but I also love burpees, so take that as you will hahaha.

For anybody who wants to do a race, I always recommend signing up for one and then telling everybody you know about it. Once you sign up, you have a real deadline, a date of when This Will Happen. And once you tell everybody you know, they'll help you hold to it. That's what I did... I knew if I told people and they knew what I was planning to do, my pride wouldn't let me back out LOL. And I knew they would all hold me to it too. Sign up, put it on your calendar, and then tell people!
What do you want to do? I can give you lots of ideas but unless it's something you actually want to do, you probably won't enjoy it and likely won't keep doing it. Do you want to run, or workout at home? Are you looking for just cardio or strength training or are you willing to both? You say you're rarely in the house, so do you want a workout you can do outside on the lawn, or do you just mean you don't want to devote an hour to a workout at all?

I want to be stronger and in better shape. I want to lose maybe 10-15 lbs. I don't necessarily know how else to put it..I would love it if I could start running outside, but I've tried in the past and failed miserably. We moved recently and have a huge cemetery where I see plenty of people running and I always think it would be great to run there with Aiden. I could try and set aside an hour a day for working out, except I don't see myself having the stamina or attention span to actually devote to it in the house without having a serious guideline to work by.
Strength training for running is my forte, LOL.
Core strength is important as a runner - see the list of exercises I recommended for Allie, planks in particular, push-ups as well (since those are really more full-body), and I would also say things like plyometrics. Jump lunges, jump squats, box jumps, ski jumps. Just be careful with those and don't over do it and hurt yourself. I see people doing plyo moves incorrectly and IMO it's easy to hurt yourself when you're doing them wrong and going quickly. Go slow first until your body really knows the move, where it's very much muscle memory, then you can add speed and intensity later.
I will pretty much never not recommend squats. So squats. Body weight is fine, or you can do them holding something heavy if you want more, which I always do. God gave me big fat thighs so I might as well squat heavy. You can do them with dumbbells if you don't have a barbell, I've also been known to throw a dog across my back or put a dog on each shoulders and squat my dogs. =P A pistol squat is a great variation if you're doing body weight, very effective for a runner.
Lunges! Bulgarian lunges I tend to find very helpful for running, as well as just a regular lunge and side lunge.
Deadlifts, you can do these with heavy things around the house or dumbbells. Single-leg deadlifts are a thing as well, kind of like the Bulgarian lunge, it is quite helpful for runners.
I like rows a lot, it works your arms and your shoulders and also your lower back. Somewhere there is that shoulder video I did... here it is:
I do rows in here and an overhead press, both of those are great for runners. The clean & press is a fave of mine but I also love burpees, so take that as you will hahaha.

For anybody who wants to do a race, I always recommend signing up for one and then telling everybody you know about it. Once you sign up, you have a real deadline, a date of when This Will Happen. And once you tell everybody you know, they'll help you hold to it. That's what I did... I knew if I told people and they knew what I was planning to do, my pride wouldn't let me back out LOL. And I knew they would all hold me to it too. Sign up, put it on your calendar, and then tell people!

Awesome, thanks! PS- you should make more youtube videos. Like, an informational weekly workout plan, information on eating clean (what's good, what's bad, quick dinner ideas, ect), plus specific workouts like this. I'd probably pay you. XD
I want to be stronger and in better shape. I want to lose maybe 10-15 lbs. I don't necessarily know how else to put it..I would love it if I could start running outside, but I've tried in the past and failed miserably. We moved recently and have a huge cemetery where I see plenty of people running and I always think it would be great to run there with Aiden. I could try and set aside an hour a day for working out, except I don't see myself having the stamina or attention span to actually devote to it in the house without having a serious guideline to work by.

Well, when I ask what you want to do, I mean are you wanting just to run, are you wanting some kind of general cardio, are you wanting to lift weights, are you thinking something more P90X? Everybody can enjoy working out, and if you enjoy it, you're of course more likely to do it! So it's just a question of what will you enjoy. What do you expect you'll like? You mentioned the cost of a CrossFit gym is out of your reach (and I sure don't blame you!!), but would you enjoy doing a CrossFit at home type of workout?

When you say you've failed at running before... what happened?
I feel your pain...I am such a lump right now. So out of shape.

Just be careful...I switched from a really active job to desk jockeyhood and kept trail running in my usual fashion...started up last spring after a winter of rehabbing MacNut and sitting at a desk all day and apparently thought I could just hit the trails like usual as soon as it was warm enough, and ended up sidelining myself for most of the warm season because I really messed up my knees and hip. Didn't realize til too late...thought it waa just normal spring get-in-shape soreness and I've been running for so many years that I tend to go into mental zen mode and not realize I'm pushing myself too far too fast...

Anyway, just be careful!


Don't worry, I am starting C25K from the very beginning...again. Arg! :p
I'm just so angry at myself because before winter Megan and I were running 2+ miles without issue. Being out of shape SUCKS! Working on getting in shape SUCKS WORSE! LOL
My nose is running like mad and I've been coughing all day, so I didn't go out for a walk with Bloo. I'm wanting to start trying to run again, so I'm thinking either C25K or just trying to push myself along. I did just finish this 20 minute yoga video, though!

Day 1 of C25K complete (again). No back pain today! Shoulders with beanie tomorrow!
Still sick.

Did that yoga video again, and three twenty second planks for funsies.

Rick was just suddenly all LETS GO FOR A WALK IN THE RAIN! At ten thirty at night.

So we did a mile. It was super cute and romantic.

Probably isn't going to help my sick, but worth it.
Another 20 minutes of yoga. It's definitely making me sore! Hoping the weather and my cold clear up soon, I want to do more outside.
Didn't end up getting my workout today. :( After work I ended up with a migrane and still had to power through some homework. My head is killing. Hoping to get a short arm workout tomorrow, if not I will double up when I run Sunday.
Go, PWC, go!

I found a few videos to help me along with my squat form. I WILL HAVE A NICE BUTT, DARN IT.

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