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  1. M

    So what do I need to do....

    I am a member of other dog sites and most you can up load movies (video's) that you can see the real side of humor rather than a still worth your consideration. Cheers Dave
  2. Paparazzi_flash1


  3. driveway_dog1


  4. M

    Comment by 'Maxwell' in media 'you're never too old for a belly rub'

    Just love them Shepherds. (and I bet she get a belly rub too.??
  5. tunnel_1


    Love this stuff.
  6. It_s_not_a_real_mouse_1


    It not a real mouse is it.
  7. real_nice_1


    How long can these guy's hold there breath
  8. Big bubbles no troubles

    Big bubbles no troubles

    I can see you twice the size. "boy are you big" Ya gotta get on a diet or more walks.
  9. Helpfull T.A

    Helpfull T.A

  10. This is new

    This is new

  11. online


    What you see on the internet.??
  12. Jess @ 3 months

    Jess @ 3 months

    Was you that small?????
  13. Scrabble is a cool game with the king

    Scrabble is a cool game with the king

    Playing scrabbleis a mind game and you have to keep an eye on him.
  14. We love to play together

    We love to play together

    When we play we play to win.
  15. Frizzibe moon walk

    Frizzibe moon walk

    The frizzbie moon walk that is all I can see
  16. M

    Comment by 'Maxwell' in media 'Jump Sun'

    Love your work action pictures are the best dave
  17. M

    Comment by 'Maxwell' in media 'Too much snow/ Storm Carson'

    Love all your photos
  18. Grauation day

    Grauation day

    Grauation day at the dog training club and only 10 months old Grade1
  19. Growing up and up

    Growing up and up

    Must stop this growing up so fast
  20. Jess growing up fast

    Jess growing up fast

    In only a few months