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  1. C

    chihuahua sheds a lot! suddenly! what to do?

    My 5 years old short haird chihuhua Xena suddenly started to shed a lot. She never did before. maybe just a little but not as much. I give her fish oil every day and she eats only natural canned and dry food (Wellness, Paul Newmant organics, Evanger's canned add Wenewe dry). what should i do...
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    My Chihuahua has SEIZURES! What is it???? Help!

    My 10 year old Chihuhua seems to have some kind of seizures. I just got the little guy about 1.5 month ago from a rescue. He is old and a little wobbly on his legs but very spunky and active for his age. He's been to the vet and he is pretty healthy except his stuffy nose which I think is yeast...
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    How much Benadryl to give to dog? Allergies!

    I was just wondering if anybody knew how much Benadryl to give to a 5 lb chihuahua. The instructions on the box are useless since they only tell you how much to give to children 6 to 12 years ols. I need to know so I can ease my dogs stuffy nose. Sometimes it gets really stuffy.
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    Fish oil in dog diet. Danger of overdose!?!

    I have been giving my dog fish oil in his food to improve his immunity. But I just read an article in the Whole Dog Journal about benefits and dangers of fish oil. It is very good for dogs. It helps grow strong bones, good for skin and fur, etc., but if given too much can kill a dog. It said...
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    Tick got my dog! He is on Frontline! Why?

    I found a tick on my Chihuahua. He is on Frontline. When I picked the tick off him the tick was still alive. Isn't Frontline supposed to kill them or keep them away? It is the second time it happened. My other Chihuhua got a tick last summer while on Frontline as well. ?????????
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    Garlic for dogs? Good or bad?

    Anybody ever given garlic to their dog? I have a yeasty dog that might benefit from it (see "Rescue Chihuahu- smelly ears, stuffy nose" thread), but I'm not sure on the dosage or how to administer it and in what form. Should I cook it, crush it or just give it to him whole? Is it going to...
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    Rescue Chihuahua--smelly and itchy ears, stuffy nose.

    CHIHUAHUA has smelly, itchy ears and stuffy nose- could this be YEAST???. hi, I just got a new Chi from a rescue. He was found roaming the streets of NYC. That's all I know about him. Vet thinks he is 10 years old. He has a few problem: His ears are really smelly and have thick brown...