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  1. K

    Colorado Senators to Intorduce Bill to Require Cops Take Dog Training I really hope it passes. The Chloe incident was just awful, and unfortunately, not the only one.
  2. K

    Is it ever too cold for your dogs to go out?

    The high for today is -15 degrees. I took Schaffer on a walk and he was fine. I then tried to take Kailey out. Five minutes in, she just sat down on the sidewalk and looked at me like "yeah, no. We're going home." Of course, when we got home, she spazzed out and zoomed around the house like a...
  3. K

    Aussie Cuddle Dog

    Being Christmas, we have a lot of people in and out of the house. Which makes Kailey happy because that means all the more people to snuggle with. I was only able to nab a few pictures, but I thought I'd share. She desperately wanted to lick the baby, but she could sense that it wasn't a good...
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    Giving up some control

    Last night at our agility class, I realized that a majority of Kailey's drive issues stem from me trying to over control her. If she starts to walk away when we're not doing anything, I call her back to me and put her in a sit or a down. If she's getting distracted while we're standing around, I...
  5. K

    I have an extreme squirrel hunter...

    She's caught three so far, though I'm not sure they were in the trees when she got them.
  6. K

    Not quite how I wanted to be woken up...

    Kailey has a very precise morning schedule. She gets up at five, groans at my door until I open it, then darts into my mum's room and cuddles for a bit before she is let out. I go back to sleep for an hour, then she has breakfast and a walk. But today, when she jumped back into my bed at six...
  7. K

    Are you satified with how you raised your dog?

    Eeep, looking back on the past year and a half with Kailey is so depressing. I sometimes feel like I completely failed. Don't get me wrong, she's an amazing dog and I wouldn't change her for the world, but there's just so much I could have done better. For example, I really charged ahead of...
  8. K

    Drifting to sleep...

    Kailey somehow managed to cuddle up with the kitty. She's now literally nodding off to sleep, except every time her head slips, the cat noms on her face. You'd think she'd move, but nope. lol
  9. K

    My dog's in trouble!

    I took Kailey on a nice, long walk this evening and ended up passing a bus stop near the sketchy apartments. There's always a ton of trash on the ground, so I didn't think anything of it when Kailey started sniffing the ground. When I told her it was time to hustle her bustle, I noticed her...
  10. K

    What words do your dogs like?

    Words that aren't exactly commands but probably mean something good is coming. For example, my friend's dog zips around the house wagging its tail when it hears the word 'bath'. (Not mine, though!) Kailey: car, walk, cooookie, squiwill (squirrel), breakfast, dindin, and bubbou (nickname)...
  11. K

    Kailey's Walk

    I took a camera out on our walk today. Nothing special, but I think I got some cute pictures. On, and you can totally tell that her head was in the trees the entire time. :P Birdies! Moar birdies! She thinks she's pretty. This is why I want to try dock diving. And this...
  12. K

    Quick! How do you get skunk spray out?

    Dumb dog got sprayed in the face. She can barely stand the smell of herself, poor thing. (I have a nasty cold, so all smells are heavily muted.) So how do you get the stink out? I have yet to find something that actually works.
  13. K

    Water Nommin'

    Kailey used to be terrified of the sprinkler head, so we've been shaping some playful interactions with it. Right now, she's comfortable nomming on the water, though she doesn't like it when the sprinkler gets her feet wet. Anywho, some pictures from today: That face... XD "Maybe if I...
  14. K

    Hey mama, hey papa...

    I went to register for school today and left with a packet of papers. One was a list of clubs and, since it's an hour bus ride on public transport, decided to read through it. The one that stood out the most was the one labeled "Teenage Parents Club." The part that made me crack up, though, was...
  15. K

    My dog is a baby dragon...

    According to the kids behind our house. When I called Kailey in, she was carrying an apple. We don't have an apple tree anymore, so I went looking to see where she could have gotten it and heard the little kids talking. "Where'd the baby dragon go? We need to feed it more apples!" They were...
  16. K

    What kind of question is that?! (Warning: whiny brat thread)

    I was at my school with my brother because I had to drop something off and he wanted to say hi to some old teachers. I just tagged along because I'm socially awkward like that. lol Anyway, I don't know most of these people, but if I follow the Pre-IB program into actual IB, I'll have them. One...
  17. K

    I don't think Denver cares anymore.

    About the bully breed ban, that is. It's still in effect, but I'm seeing more and more dogs that could be confiscated if the city wanted to. They're all over, too. Seven or eight in my part of the neighborhood, and I saw three downtown today. Now I'm kind of glad and hoping the ban will be...
  18. K

    Herding questions.

    I'm interested on doing herding with my ACD mix. Won't be for a little bit because I'd like her to have a bit more experience with moving critters and taking directions from me before I set her on livestock. (We just go over to a group of prairie dogs and practice drop, sit, wait, and break...
  19. K

    Am I the only one who forgets verbal cues?

    I was out playing tug with Kailey today and I wanted her to drop it. But, for the life of me, I just could not remember that cue. I use it multiple times a day, but it was just slipping my mind. I told her "out" and it worked (probably because I've done this before and she's also great at...
  20. K

    Awkward dog is awkward...

    Recently, when the Kai-dog and I do agility, she sometimes stops in the middle. She'll just freeze, look at me, and wag her tail sort of slow. When she does this, it generally means I asked her to do something a little too soon, so I bend down and ask her if she's okay, which is her cue that...