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  1. pawzaddict

    Almost 100 pit bulls found in dog rescue raid

    :mad: I see multiple counts of animal cruelty and neglect if they can't find proof of fighting.
  2. pawzaddict

    The problem with anti-chaining legislation

    Here...I never said this about dogs in general :)
  3. pawzaddict

    The problem with anti-chaining legislation

    Funny, I don't remember saying anything about how dogs feel in general :confused: I specifically said crating is good for indoor dogs..then I said MINE love their crates... This was in reference to the person who said dogs are miserable in their crates..that person was speaking for dogs in...
  4. pawzaddict

    Dog stuck to plastic crate after flea treatment

    You can always have your freak accidents ;) doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  5. pawzaddict

    The problem with anti-chaining legislation

    :rolleyes: Never said I asked my dogs, I also never said they couldn't be happy outdoors, I was simply stating that I feel my dogs are better off inside and in a crate than outside chained up because they are indoor dogs. I ALSO DID NOT SAY THAT THEY ARE CRATED ALL DAY:eek: Mod Edit. I speak of...
  6. pawzaddict

    Oh god

    Wow...people who breed albinos are just dumb...dumb dumb dumb....
  7. pawzaddict

    Izzy got "jumped"

    I understand the frustration, however, I do not think its your business to rat out a neighbor until their dog has actually done something harmful at the apartment, you have made it clear you are not positive if it was the same dog. If the barking is annoying you, which I understand its annoying...
  8. pawzaddict

    Officer Shoots Woman and Pit bull while playing

    This is a huge huge mistake and it should cost the cop. I am glad to hear both the girl and the dog are expected to be ok. I'd be fuuuuuuuurious!!!
  9. pawzaddict

    Leaked photos of pitbulls killed due to Denver ban

    Well I am glad you did, sometimes it takes the heart breaking photos for people to realize how horrible this is. I am more sketchy around chows and shar pei's to be honest than I am a Pit. Either way, no breed should be banned. The bad guys (the fighters, the horrible owners who teach and breed...
  10. pawzaddict

    Leaked photos of pitbulls killed due to Denver ban

    That breaks my heart :( We got our APBT because the owner got a job in Denver and did not want him to be put down just for existing. Thank you for sharing this, I hope your friend has success one day.
  11. pawzaddict

    Moving - where to keep dogs at new house?

    I did not say those words...I said it in terms of people can control their obesity, dogs cannot, its up to the human to control the dogs obesity, geez get over it and move on. :rolleyes:
  12. pawzaddict

    Moving - where to keep dogs at new house?

    Not my problem if you don't like my way of thinking, that was rude as well IMO, your comment...
  13. pawzaddict

    Moving - where to keep dogs at new house?

    I always forget about the x-pens! This is a great idea too if they are older and have never been crated.
  14. pawzaddict

    Moving - where to keep dogs at new house?

    I don't find that ignorant. Sorry you feel that way, if you do not like my comments then don't like them but DO NOT call me ignorant. Thanks :) Dogs suffer from thyroid WHICH IS TREATED BY MEDS so the dog should not be obese. Ignorance is saying these dogs have a reason to remain obese...
  15. pawzaddict

    Moving - where to keep dogs at new house?

    This is about a dog not humans, dogs don't become obese because of the same reasons humans do, dogs are not humans, dogs (IMO) are obese because of lack of exercise and nutrition and regulation.
  16. pawzaddict

    Moving - where to keep dogs at new house?

    :hail: to Lolas Dad Even people who have medical issues which cause obesity can stay fit. Mind over Matter people! As for the OP, crating is really the only option. I have a medium crate that I split for 2 chi's and that is plenty of room for them, sometimes too much.
  17. pawzaddict

    Stray Dogs

    I honestly think the dog was so persistent because 1. he is an APBT, I hate to generalize but they have that very strong drive/focus and 2. he was intact.
  18. pawzaddict

    Stray Dogs

    My apologies, I always forget every area is different with these guys. Where I live there are tons of APBT and lots of them are older ones roaming the streets unaltered. Yea I know what you mean on when you get a nice one its a charm. I like how you point out that they all do not experience...
  19. pawzaddict

    Corgis as puppies...?

    My aunt just got one, she has a border collie who is a bit temperamental with other dogs and does fine with the pup. She said the pup tries to "herd" her collie but all in play. Hope somebody else can help you more :)