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  1. J

    The Beach.

    I love the waves... The color of the sun... the clouds... love everything... great photos...:thumbsupsmileyanim:
  2. J

    Memorial Day Fireworks

    really nice shots!!! I love the Palm tree and the Grumpy face shots!!! They look so cool... So colorful...:popcorn: I'm amazed, just wow...
  3. J

    X-mas gift ideas for your boyfriend...

    Best things are for free... Not now... lol... I think he'll appreciate anything you would give him... hope so...
  4. J

    Need help choosing breed!

    I have a Border collie, it's kinda hard to train her at first but I gradually learn how to give her proper care and understand her behavior when I read about this How to Train a Border Collie , just an advice, if you're really a dog lover, you will definitely know what patience really means...
  5. J

    Your Dogs Name: Why You Chose The Dog Name You Did

    Mine is Ashley, I found her somewhere in the street near my house, and she was so dirty i don't know if those were ashes that makes her dirty, well i would like to name her Cinderella too though, but I think Ashley is more hip. LOL.. And I just kinda like the name...:)
  6. J

    Territorial Aggression directed towards neighbor's dog, Help, anyone?

    About aggression, I have also experience that to my dog. I think its normal. I have seen a video in you tube talking about how to stop dog aggression. Check out! YouTube - How To Stop Dog Aggression
  7. J

    Pulling On Leash - Stop A Dog From Pulling On The Leash

    How to stop a dog from pulling on the leash, teaching a dog to walk on a loose leash, choosing a dog leash (leather or retractable). YouTube - Pulling On Leash - Stop A Dog From Pulling On The Leash
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    How Many Have Rescued

    hey!! My dog is a rescue as well! They're the best because they love you for life.
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    I'm done with electric bark collars

    Hey, i had similar issues, then i found this guy teaching on youtube about electric collars:
  10. J

    Comment on my video please.

    Hey, peyton and the other dog get along well enough... the video made me smile!
  11. J

    Handling poisoning in animals.

    Nice, a very useful one like me who really don't have that enough knowledge when it comes in handling that kind of situation that will happen to my pets. Try to visit this also a very helpful site on how to handle pet poison care Dog Poison Care
  12. J

    Dogs & Chocolate & How Much is Deadly

    One time in our house we gave our dog almost a bar of chocolate and he ate it all. After eating it all we noticed that he looks tipsy and after a day he lost his appetite, then the next day he died.