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  1. iheartsammy

    Meet NUKA!

    Hello guys! It's been a long time since I've posted on here. Since then, a lot has happened. Sadly, Sammy passed away late in August, which came very suddenly and unexpected. I'm still very much in mourning, however my puppy Nuka has helped A LOT with the healing process. She is an awesome and...
  2. iheartsammy

    The chickens have taken over...

    I know I haven't been on here in a while, but I have a bit of a question and I really don't think anyone has an answer, but there is nothing wrong with asking. First off, you need to know my step-dad makes my dog stay outside during the day. Trust me, I've tried everything to get him to...
  3. iheartsammy

    Fetching Acorns...?

    Either Samm has officially gone insane or she now thinks she's a squirrel. I came home from vacation a few days ago and noticed she was spending a lot of time sniffing around under one of the trees outside my window. So I went to go investigate and when she saw me coming she started wagging...
  4. iheartsammy

    Just some cool photos...

    I am in no way a photographer lol, but I think I do take the occasional good photo :P And some of these weren't taken by me, but I like them a lot..haha Taken on a rainy day while sitting in the car. Not sure why this one came out so blurry, it looked fin when I first put it in my...
  5. iheartsammy

    Am I the only one..

    that 'erks' at the below article? Pet food prices, what you get by spending more ._.
  6. iheartsammy

    Video of Sammy & Rusty

    Well, mostly Rusty(our cat). He hogged the camera with his love-buggieness lol.. Samm wasn't too happy to wake up with a cat and a camera in her face :rofl1: Sorry Samm! :p Oh, and sorry for the darkness..Samm kinda looks like she just blend into the wall like a ninja xD YouTube - Dog &...
  7. iheartsammy

    Dew claws on back feet?

    My mom was having a potluck party yesterday and one of her friends brought over their dog. I think they said she was a coonhound. Anyway, I noticed she had dew claws on her back feet. :confused: Is this just a mutation or what? One of the people said it was normal in the breed, but I'm not...
  8. iheartsammy

    Very Very Confused About A Raw Diet For Cats..'s my problem.. After researching a raw diet for dogs I've come to find it a very easy diet to feed and Samm has done wonderful on every single raw meal I've given her. Now, I plan on getting a cat at some point(not for a while) and I like to plan ahead, so I've been...
  9. iheartsammy

    Taming a Feral Kitten?

    I found a feral kitten(though I'm still trying to catch it) and I was just curious how I should go about taming it? I haven't caught it yet, so I'm not sure just how 'wild' it is...but It runs whenever I come near it so I'm guessing it's pretty wild..
  10. iheartsammy

    What should I do?

    You see, I really want a Sphynx cat and I'm 100% willing to save up the money to get a one, everything it needs, and some extra money just incase..But I'm starting to have 2nd thoughts. Why? Well, of course the number one reason being why spend hundreds of dollars for a cat when I can adopt...
  11. iheartsammy

    I'm not so sure about this..

    The time has finally come for me to seriously preparing myself to move Samm over to a raw diet. But I seem to be stressing out. I've read so many books/websites/articles/etc. that say so many diffrent things that I don't know what to do anymore. So here are a few questions I have: How long is...
  12. iheartsammy

    New Grain-Free Canidae?

    Opinions? I saw two diffrent kind at my local pet store..One was Salmon and I think the other was chicken..can't remember exactulally......What do you guys think?
  13. iheartsammy

    Opinions on Canidae's new Grain Free foods?

    Are they any good? I saw some trial packs at our local petstore(they always put food on trial periods with little bags before selling the big bags) and I was curious if anyone had an info on them. Thanks! ^-^
  14. iheartsammy

    Just when I thought things were going to start looking up...*HUGE RANT!*

    Everything goes crashing to the ground and shadders. I thought moving was going to be a good thing, you know, 'starting over' type of thing. More like a 'falling over' type of thing.. Oh where to begin...hummm..well, The dogs arn't allowed in the house (cuz of, guess who? Yup, my S.D.)...
  15. iheartsammy

    My history teacher gave me an onion...

    lol..let me explain.. So my history teacher and my english teacher have this joke going around. My H.T. calls my E.T.(hehe) Chubaka(sp?) and my E.T. calls my H.T Shrek because apparently he has a big head :rofl1: So..I walk into first period(history) and after the bell rings my teacher...
  16. iheartsammy

    I just found out my grandma died last night..

    My dad just called me. :( I don't know..I'm by myself at my house, my mom and everyone is up at our new house. I wont see them till tomorrow night probably. I just want so bad to be with my dad and his side of my family so bad. I talked to my grandpa on the phone and almost broke into bawling...
  17. iheartsammy

    I love my birthday present!!!

    Lookie at what I'm getting for my three fishies! I'm so excited to get it!! My fish are way way WAY too big for their 10 gallon tank and I was really starting to worry about them being in there for much longer. ALTHOUGH I would have liked...
  18. iheartsammy

    I need a bit of help! Need some creative ideas!!

    So, I'm in this virtual business class this year is high school and we get to make our own virtual(fake :p ) business! yay! We even go to trade fairs, one in Bakersfield and one in Oakland/SF Bay! Plus if we get one of the top places at one of those places we get to go to NY!! and if we do good...
  19. iheartsammy

    Pick Up Lines...

    The Good, The Bad, And The Funny... Let's hear 'em! :popcorn:
  20. iheartsammy

    Happy Birthday PixieSticks!!!

    Happy Birthday!! :D