Recent content by germanshepardguy

  1. G

    TN: Dog-shooting officer didn't like pit bulls anyway

    poor doggy the thing that was horrible was the dog came wagging his tail to the officer he just wanted to play or say hi and he shot him
  2. G

    I'm at ropes end... this door busting HAS to stop

    my cat is scared of the outside world if we leave the door open she'll just go to the door, look around and then take 1 step out and stay there frozen and not move
  3. G

    About how much is your breed going for these days?

    A pure bred GSD can go to over $1,000
  4. G

    Meet June Bug!

    very cute
  5. G


    really cool
  6. G

    Some German Shepherd pictures

    We were cleaning out the back yard so the dogs stayed outside with me while i was washing my car for a bit so i snapped some pictures hope you like
  7. G

    New Puppy

    X2 thats what i would do
  8. G

    Hi-- Cori from NC here!!

    very cute dogs
  9. G

    Hi, New member

    hi and welcome
  10. G


    so cute
  11. G

    My girls

    very cute
  12. G

    German Shepherd or Rottweiler

    What is the average weight for rotties?
  13. G

    new pups

    welcome, and looking forward for pictures