Recent content by gecko_mom

  1. gecko_mom

    cat food to help with bad gas?

    She should be able to get probiotics from her vet for fairly cheap. Otherwise, suggest giving the kitty a bit of yogurt every day, maybe a teaspoon or two.
  2. gecko_mom

    this picture makes my heart smile

    This is my mom's dog, Tucker. This picture just came up on my computer's picture slide show, so I thought I'd share it with you. It was taken from the hay mow at my uncle's farm. We got him when I was 15 or so, so I've raised him from a pup. He's a great little dog - and I love the perpective...
  3. gecko_mom

    KFC - Kant Feed Chicken

    There are a lot of dogs that are allergic to chicken, actually. And dogs can develop allergies at any point in their lives.
  4. gecko_mom


    Is there another vet in the area you could go to for a second opinion? And if so, can you ask how much allergy testing/treatments would be? I had an allergy test done on my dog - and she's allergic to cats! The test cost would cost a normal client $130. She will have allergy shots for the...
  5. gecko_mom

    Wisconsin Meet Up?

    Monday is bad, I picked up a shift at work. I could do Wednesday or the following weekend. I can drive to Wausau, the dog park here is south of Point about 10 miles.
  6. gecko_mom

    Wisconsin Meet Up?

    My girls love other dogs, and do really well with small dogs. I usually go to the dog park at times when there aren't a lot of other dogs because I don't trust other dog owners there. Most people have no clue about true dog behavior. My catahoula is actually a very submissive girl, so I've...
  7. gecko_mom

    Wisconsin Meet Up?

    I'm in Stevens Point! We also have an off-leash park. We should meet up, that would be great. :)
  8. gecko_mom

    well bred vs. not so much. how it affects physical appearance

    I think the worst and most noticable is any brachycephalic breed bred with an under/overbite. We had a very sick boxer puppy come in to the clinic today. Very poorly bred, the underbite was so horrible. I've seen ugly pugs, bulldogs, american bulldogs and others with terrible mouths. Poor...
  9. gecko_mom

    Wisconsin Meet Up?

    I'm in central wisconsin :) Let me know!
  10. gecko_mom

    Why do some people not euthanzie?

    I am so jaded about this topic after working at the clinic for a while. The worst one for me was when a family scheduled a euthanasia on Tuesday for the coming Saturday. The adult kids were back in town from college. The whole family was there. But the dog had to literally drag it's back...
  11. gecko_mom

    Puppy Question

    As for holding him down, I don't know a single animal that likes that. Plus if you really have to fight him to hold him down, you could injure him. It really doesn't teach him anything positive, imo. I would never hold a puppy down the way you are describing.
  12. gecko_mom

    Puppy Question

    I agree. At 8 weeks there's no way he can understand what you want, and it's pretty unfair to him for you to expect that. If it were my pup, he'd be fed separate until he learns how to sit, come to his name, and the 'leave it' command. Once you have those then you can teach him to stay at his...
  13. gecko_mom


    I love your Isabelle! I definitely think she has a lot of catahoula in her. She's gorgeous regardless.
  14. gecko_mom


    Poor girl - sounds like she got the s*** end of some bad breeding. I hope you enjoy her though. I love my catahoula. :) Although my dog is kind of a freak and is nothing like what I read about the breed. But that's alright with me, it's all good. Hope she (and her brother) get a great...
  15. gecko_mom

    How much....

    Our office visit fee is $37. Vaccines are usually $22-24, but if you are just getting vaccines, we don't charge the office fee - same thing for dr. requested rechecks. Dog neuters regardless of age/breed are $120. Spays start at $165 and go up for larger/obese/more difficult spays. I had...