i beg to differ with you. my dogs love thier sweaters. they would leave them on all day if i would let them. just because i live in florida, it still gets very cold when your pup is a pup with a short haircut. i take care of my pets very well & yes I agre with you that they are cute in fact i think they are the best looking pups around.
Doggies Do Love their Sweaters, coats, jackets, sweatshirts, and costumes!!!
What kind of dog is Rocco?? Looks like he has a little Shih Tzu in him! Keep on rescuing! I give the puppers a Big 10!
you go po13 if they like there sweaters then who cares what other people think. And as for the shave it is adorable. Some of these people are rude. I would never say something like that to anyone on this site. AND NOTICE THESE COMMENTS ARE FROM UNREGISTERED USERS.. WONDER WHAT THERE PETS LOOK LIKE....
Rocco is a full bred Shih Tzu. Thanks for the nice comment about wearing their sweaters. I agree with you. I have 2 Shih Tzu's & 1 Lhaso all full breds. Sassy is my sons pup. She is blind in one eye, It was knocked out when he was just a few weeks old. She is also a full bred.Very sweet pups all of them. We have seven pups between myself my daughter & son. I guess we just love our animals like everyone else does. They are our best friends.
The dog is hairless dog , he doesn't have a shave. If you read the info you would have noticed that. Don't comment if you don't know what you are talking about. duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel off my chair laughing hysterically. They are too funny!!! You should have them on a postcard. The person with the sweater problem must be intimidated. When you dress an animal it humanizes the animal. Maybe sweater person feels inferior to the dogs. Personally I love it! too too cute.
Love this picture! My two shih tzus wear sweaters in the cold too. They are just a wonderful dog aren't they. The chinese crested is a beautiful dog. I have never seen one in person and really enjoyed your photo.