
Ever Vigilant

Bimmer loves to sit on the stacks of 5' round hay bales - three high! It's no effort for him to bound up the stacks, then leap from one pyramid of hay to another; sometimes 12-15 feet apart. He can watch the entire farm from this vantage point.
LOVE this noble dog!! Reminds me of a Canadian show called The Littlest Hobo when I was a kid. Shepards rock!!
OMG I LOVE THIS PHOTO he is GORGEOUS!!! would u plz look at my pictures.... im a new user and nobody seems to be leaving me comments or rating mine...makes me feel like my puppies are ugly:-(
This should be made into a photo for your wall. This is such a beautiful picture of Bimmer. He is so handsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
All your dogs are beautiful, but this picture is gorgeous! Bimmer is totally regal.
Thanks, guys. As a matter of fact, Barb, I've got it set up as my screen saver. It's large enough that way that I can see the detail of his expression and it's gorgeous; he's so focused.

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