"Top forecaster calls Gore an 'alarmist' on warming"

Feb 5, 2005
wasilla alaska

Forecaster blasts Gore on global warming

By CAIN BURDEAU, Associated Press Writer
Sat Apr 7, 2:55 AM ET

A top hurricane forecaster called Al Gore "a gross alarmist" Friday for making an Oscar-winning documentary about global warming.

"He's one of these guys that preaches the end of the world type of things. I think he's doing a great disservice and he doesn't know what he's talking about," Dr. William Gray said in an interview with The Associated Press at the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans, where he delivered the closing speech.

A spokeswoman said Gore was on a flight from Washington, D.C., to Nashville Friday; he did not immediately respond to Gray's comments.

Gray, an emeritus professor at the atmospheric science department at Colorado State University, has long railed against the theory that heat-trapping gases generated by human activity are causing the world to warm.

Over the past 24 years, Gray, 77, has become known as America's most reliable hurricane forecaster; recently, his mentee, Philip Klotzbach, has begun doing the bulk of the forecasting work.

Gray's statements came the same day the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change approved a report that concludes the world will face dire consequences to food and water supplies, along with increased flooding and other dramatic weather events, unless nations adapt to climate change.

Rather than global warming, Gray believes a recent uptick in strong hurricanes is part of a multi-decade trend of alternating busy and slow periods related to ocean circulation patterns. Contrary to mainstream thinking, Gray believes ocean temperatures are going to drop in the next five to 10 years.

Gore's documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," has helped fuel media attention on global warming.

Kerry Emanuel, an MIT professor who had feuded with Gray over global warming, said Gray has wrongly "dug (his) heels in" even though there is ample evidence that the world is getting hotter.


Mistress Wigglebutt
Aug 26, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
A couple of people I have talked with have suggested that this is the "big melt" from the ice age, things will melt, freeze again and start allll over again.

I am not sure what I think, but WHAT HARM IS IT to take care of our environment now, whether global warming is "a real issue" or not? We cannot continue to live on this planet as frivolously and wastefully as we are now and not expect our actions to reap consequences!

I don't think there is anything 'alarmist' about being concerned for our environment. Suppose the additional hurricanes ARE causing problems... what is causing the additional hurricanes?

Aussie Red

Rebel With Cause
Jun 8, 2006
My thoughts are that no matter how much you conserve as long as people keep making more people you will eventually over crowd the planet and that is where the problem lies. How can you conserve when the need grows ?
More trees have to go in order to build more houses. More water consumed. More power consumed. Food plants have to process more food etc.
Supply and demand. I have lived in the Southern Ca. Deserts before anyone else would. Now they too are becoming very populated as it is here. The plants that grow in the desert and have a very rough time doing so and take many years to get to a reasonable size are being plowed down for houses. Never mind that they are vital to retaining the land and to the survival of many animals. Never mind that we are over burdening what water resources do exist. Los Angeles Ca. has some of the greatest weather known to man therefore millions chose to live there. Los Angeles never had the water resources to supply a city like that so the took water from the Inland Empire ( high Desert) who could not afford to give it and completely drained Owens Lake out side Lone Pine dry. When the Dry lake blew the dust all over the people who did live there making air quality so bad for the people who lived there who cared? Who cared that our houses became worthless ? Who cared that the animals that depended on that water were gone ? Los Angeles needed it so be it. The majority spoke. When they were through with Owens Lake they moved on to use Collins Lake. Again a town s survival depended on that lake. Majority rules though. I moved to Las Vegas and am watching a steady growth of 6000 or more new people every month. Las Vegas does not have the water to support the growth and yet nothing is done to stop the growth. Instead we are pumping the Lake dry here and looking into out sourcing our water needs. We are going to take the water from the north state where they use it to irrigate fields and crops. I guess the nation does not need the food as much as we need the water to fill our pools and feed our life style. This is the reason I do not worry much about global warming. If we keep having more babies then the need for more product arises in this world as does the need to consume more natural resources. If people would stop and think about that maybe we can make a difference. If everyone living now had just one child the population would drop and so would the need to produce products. We preach this with animals why not people ?? That is my belief and I am sticking to it!!!


Jul 8, 2005
Lancaster, PA, USA
The sun is not a constant. The amount of energy is produces waxes and wanes. I am sure humanity has a little something to do with it but I do not believe we have anywhere near the effect that alarmists want to believe.

Also, of course we should care for our environment. What I fear is what Aussie Red alludes to. More Government control of our lives. No matter what we in the US do, the enviro-nazis need to pay more attention to India and China.

I said it before and got a lot of eye rolling and "unbelieveable". I'll say it again... The whole global warming scare is just another way the eliets are trying to take control of our lives. The goal is one world government. Laugh if you want, but pay attention. The "elites" are telling us how to live, yet they do nothing of the sorts. The Supreme Court rules that CO2 is now a POLLUTANT. For F***S SAKE! We are now polluting the Earth by just breathing??? There is legislation about banning the incandesent light bulb. Do you people know that those Compact Floursenct Lights both consume WAY more energy to produce AND and have almost 5 milligrams of mercury in them? Break one and now you have a hazmat situation. Oh, and NOT ONE is produced in the US. China would have to build many, many more coal fired power plants to produce the power to make anough CFL's to replace the 4 BILLION lightbulbs here. THINK people. THINK!!!!!

The elite's scaring us into control. Make you feel guilty and change your life while they are just grubbing for POWER.


Nov 28, 2004
According to what my son read ....all the planets are warming . Did the dinosaurs cause the Ice Age ??


New Member
May 10, 2006
Western Canada
Interestingly the people being labelled "alarmists" include 75% of the living winners of the Nobel Prize for science (their signatures are on a document outlining their concerns) and highly esteemed, well educated scientists. Last I researched this topic, none of the global warming nay sayers had even ever been published in a scientific journal. That tells me who I'm going to believe.
For me too, it's not just about climate change it's about all the species and habitat we are losing and it's about our own health. We are losing species at an alarming and exponential rate, we have more chronic pollution based illness than ever before like asthma. Looking after the world we are dependent on and the air we breath seems like a no brainer to me.
Jan 31, 2005
The great whi...err...green(?) North

It's a long article, but it's a good read. It gives a more balaced view of Dr. Gray, his opinion and where he's coming from.

If I had to pick a couple of quotes to summarize it, one would be this, from Dr. Gray:
"Certainly, burning fossil fuels has led to tremendous problems," he says. "We should be putting money into alternate energy sources and making more efficient use of our fuels. But we should be doing that for its own sake. Don't fly this under a false flag, that we're doing it to stop global warming. If it's a little cooler in fifteen or twenty years, and it becomes evident the warming of the last hundred years is primarily due to ocean circulation changes, then we'll look back on this and say, 'How can you trust science?'"
and this, from Dr. Klotzbach (about Dr. Gray):
"I do try to get him to tone it down a bit," he says. "Whenever I go away, I tell the secretary not to let him send anything out until I get back."
And while I personally doubt Dr. Gray's conclusions, I hope he's right.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2007
Like what Muggie'smum said, does it really matter if global warming is going on or not? We should still take care of our planet. There's already a huge Ozone hole, that didn't get there by itself. I saw Algore's movie and personally I thought it was interesting. Fact is that our planet is warmer than it was before and that the temperature and weather has been "out of wack" for the past few year. Hmm you guys are all complaining about the snow in spring right? Well we didn't have any snow this year, and it went below freezing for a week. Next thursday it's going to be 80 degrees out - much to hot for this time in Germany. Not to mention the huge hurricanes.
It's also a fact that forests are being torn down at an alarming rate. Which means less of the CO2 that is being set free is being processed.
but it again, global warming or not, we should take care of our environment.
May 13, 2005
Pidjun Haller, with ma uncle Palmer
It matters whether or not global warming is real because if it is real, that creates an urgency that means the world will shortchange other demands on time and money to take care of the environment. Because you can't pour billions into real environmental reform without taking that money away from somewhere else, and possibly without hurting the economy by adding constraints to business. So if global warming is not real, there are other real threats to the world that need that money - poverty, disease, hunger, terrorism, etc.


May 19, 2004
I mean this lightly...because I know this is a serious subject to everyone....but I'm still having snow in April. In PA. guess I'm just not seeing global warming right now. LOL

ok...there may be those folks that say it is global warming that is causing massive weather variations...etc., etc. remember....I'm just being light here. :)

for every opinion there is another opposite opinion. with that in mind, I don't put stock in any one person's findings. I'd rather see the planet saved from mass pollutions, the rain forrest saved from devastation, wildlife preserved...as the 'norm' for humans. but....we're so busy destroying each other, guess those other things are on the back burner.


Jul 8, 2005
Lancaster, PA, USA
Interestingly the people being labelled "alarmists" include 75% of the living winners of the Nobel Prize for science (their signatures are on a document outlining their concerns) and highly esteemed, well educated scientists. Last I researched this topic, none of the global warming nay sayers had even ever been published in a scientific journal. That tells me who I'm going to believe.

My life experience tells me there is a huge difference between education and wisdom. I am quite sure I could dig up many published scientists who disagree with the "consensus".

Better yet, I thought science was about exploration and asking questions. If that is true, why are scientists who disagee with global warming being so heavily scored, sometimes to the point of having the removal of their credentials threatened?

Granted, I am certainly not a scientist... But I am a thinker.


Dec 16, 2004
the alarming topic for the day should be WHERE ARE THE HONEY BEES...
global warming just took back burner in my worried mind.


New Member
Oct 28, 2006
The Great White North
Intersting read here.....


Extreme Cold Endangering Alaskan Sea Otters: Will Media Report It?
Posted by Noel Sheppard on April 9, 2007 - 14:28.

Imagine for a moment that warmer-than-normal winter temperatures in Alaska were making it difficult for the endangered sea otter to find food, and making it easier for natural predators and illegal hunters to kill them.

Would the global warming alarmists in the media be all over this story as another example of how man-made “climate change” is destroying the planet and endangering species that are its inhabitants?

Well, as NewsBusters reported on April 5, it’s been pretty darned cold in Alaska this winter, so much so that the Anchorage Daily News reported Sunday that it’s wreaking havoc with the local sea otter population.

An extra-cold winter on the Alaska Peninsula has frozen sea otters out of the bay and pushed them onto the tundra near Port Heiden where they're easy prey for wolves, humans and hunger.

Some of the starving animals -- with ribs showing -- have waddled or belly-slid several miles inland, residents said. Others have been attacked by dogs near houses, killed by villagers for their hides, or died on sea ice where eagles and foxes pick at their remains.


Partially enclosed by spits of land, the bay hardened into a solid surface of ice this winter after a cold spell -- beginning in January and lasting through March -- dropped temperatures to zero and below, [village fire chief Mark Kosbruk] said.

Average winter temperatures usually hover in the 20s, producing only ice floes, he said. Spring temperatures have recently melted snow off tundra and opened cracks in the frozen bay miles from shore, but the sea otters are still coming on land.

Despite wire services such as UPI and AP covering this story, few media outlets have bothered to pick it up. As such, for argument’s sake, let’s reverse this report, and imagine how much attention it would have been given:

An extra-warm winter on the Alaska Peninsula has forced ice-loving sea otters out of the bay and pushed them onto the tundra near Port Heiden where they're easy prey for wolves, humans and hunger.

Some of the starving animals -- with ribs showing -- have waddled or belly-slid several miles inland, residents said. Others have been attacked by dogs near houses, killed by villagers for their hides, or died on sea ice where eagles and foxes pick at their remains.


Partially enclosed by spits of land, the bay thawed this winter after a hot spell -- beginning in January and lasting through March -- raising temperatures to 40 and above, [village fire chief Mark Kosbruk] said.

Average winter temperatures usually hover in the 20s, producing desirable ice floes, he said.

Think this would have drawn more attention from a media that disgracefully only report weather-related events which further anthropogenic global warming theories? Can't you see Meredith and Matt this morning going all gooey over these poor, unfortunate otters being destroyed by man's lust for SUV's and oil-profits? And, given the cold over the Eastern part of the nation, might this have been part of the lead story presented by Charles, Brian, and, of course, Katie this evening, complete with interviews from the locals?

Alas, to these folks, only species that are dying because of heat are relevant now.

What a disgrace.

Aussie Red

Rebel With Cause
Jun 8, 2006
My life experience tells me there is a huge difference between education and wisdom. I am quite sure I could dig up many published scientists who disagree with the "consensus".

Better yet, I thought science was about exploration and asking questions. If that is true, why are scientists who disagee with global warming being so heavily scored, sometimes to the point of having the removal of their credentials threatened?

Granted, I am certainly not a scientist... But I am a thinker.
Agree... I have read many reports that state to the contrary. However do you not believe that the ones the gov. wants you to see are up and the ones they don't go away. I am older then most of you and was raised in a time where we had weekly air raid sirens going off at 10:00 A.M. every Friday. We had to take cover during these drills under or desks in readiness for the coming of the Russian invasions. For some 45 + years I have been taught the worlds end is near lol. We , The United States can not nor should we control other countries. That is what has gotten us into trouble in the past. I do not see how we as a nation could possibly stop other countries from mass pollution, waste , breeding and blowing us to He[[ . I say this is created to make money. If you ban the light bulb in favor of the fluorescent one for example the companies that produce them make more money and the un seen part is pollute the environment more and it is not told to us.Politicians are being paid big bucks to pass legislation to ban the cheaper one. They get the mine we get the shaft. If you think for one minute that Al gore is not making a fortune on this think again.
We produce nuclear power in this country and are told it is safe and cheaper. Do you believe that ?? Let me tell you that as we speak we in Nevada are in the fight of our lives. They intend to ship the waste of the nations nuclear power plants here 90 miles from my home and deposit it in Yucca Mountain.
It was scientifically proven unsafe . Yucca Mountain is on a major earthquake fault and directly sitting over a major source of ground water. They are going to do it anyway. Thing is everyone in the nation is at risk because it will be transported on the highways and railways. Gee no spill possible huh ? you think ? Al Gore has been to Yucca Mountain and knows all about this yet where is his speech on it. Where is his concern for those of us who live here or along the path this stuff will travel ? How many of you have heard about it or care ? How many of you are using power from nuclear power plants. How about how much water they contaminate daily ??


Jul 24, 2005
You dont get to hold public office without being an alarmist. You cant win votes if you dont have a life threatening cause, you can bet the other guy does. Whoevers cause creates the most panic wins.
Jun 5, 2006
The problem with climate change is that its just too **** complex. Its hard to forecast, and its harder to explain to people without being alarmist. When our government denies and tries to waterdown climate report after climate report you have to become more aggressive with your "explanations." I honestly doubt that anything we see on land can be catagorized as global warming, its all too variable, the key likes in the water. We have melting glaciers and sea ice, rising sea temperatures, bleaching corals, and perhaps changes in sea water chemistry itself.

A week of cold, or even 5 years of cold does not mean that global warming is not true. In fact if the northern sea ice and glaciers melt, Europe is in for one heck of an ice age!

If we are lucky enough to not be warming our planet, the worst we can do by cutting down of emissions is saving a bit of fuel and smog. If its right, and we don't do anything, the worst we can do is flood half the world and destroy the current climate patterns.

Why is there popular resistance to what the majority of Science believes?
Where has it harmed you so much that people are willing to discount it?

Last edited:

Aussie Red

Rebel With Cause
Jun 8, 2006
Psyfalcon... I also was watching the discovery chanel the other night and they proved that the ocean has gone through these warming trends and will cool again. They showed graphs like yours and proved the same thing has happened since they have kept records and also said this is all normal. I guess it just depends on which scientific facts you want to follow. I am not worried at all about it and am not losing any sleep over it and here is why. Fact : you will no matter what you do get all people on the planet to agree and stop what ever it is they are doing to destroy.
Fact: global warming is a small matter when you consider that there are and always will be those who hate and want to destroy. Why is it everyone is so concerned with this when the reality is you are more likely to die in a building that a plane just hit or die in a nuclear blast that Korea or China just launched or be flying on vacation somewhere and die because that is the plane some lunatic planned to down. My theory is you will not get everyone to change and you need to live your life , enjoy your life and hope that your children can or grand children can before some lunatic blows it all to hell.
Feb 5, 2005
wasilla alaska
Interestingly the people being labelled "alarmists" include 75% of the living winners of the Nobel Prize for science (their signatures are on a document outlining their concerns) and highly esteemed, well educated scientists. Last I researched this topic, none of the global warming nay sayers had even ever been published in a scientific journal. That tells me who I'm going to believe.
For me too, it's not just about climate change it's about all the species and habitat we are losing and it's about our own health. We are losing species at an alarming and exponential rate, we have more chronic pollution based illness than ever before like asthma. Looking after the world we are dependent on and the air we breath seems like a no brainer to me.
There are names of scientists on the IPCC report that disagree with the findings.

We all agree we should be doing things to help limit our part in damaging the environment, but its not all our fault.


Dec 16, 2004
don't matter whos fault it is when the deed is done, it's just a done deal and we hve to figure out how to survive with the aftermath of our onslaught to this planet. I am resigned to the facts that i gather through my reading about the changes in the animal world, starting with the amphibians that because of their most skin show the first changes. I look at my grandaughter and think wiill she have a chance? A person still takes her to campfire and does her homework, and prepare her for what i hope will be a normal life but i can't not see the reports, the sitings, the bio effects on our planet. IT is just to black and white to deny.

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