Teh Vrochey has a hurt and a sick :(


Active Member
Oct 9, 2009
Poor Gavroche did something to his left stifle. He started limping Monday night. Took him to work Wednesday, and thankfully it's NOT a torn cruciate! No drawer movement, no tibial thrust. He was limping in the same leg when we found him a couple years ago, but at the time xrays looked fine. So we're thinking it's a sprain or strain.

Well, he's supposed to be on Rimadyl for 7 days and see if he's better, and if not take some xrays. But, he decided to get diarrhea last night. And this morning, he decided he needs bloody diarrhea :dunno:

So I took him back to the vet this morning. Fecal was clear. Doc said more than likely he ate something he shouldn't have, or the Rimadyl did it. But the diarrhea started less than an hour after giving him the Rimadyl. I'm thinking the initial diarrhea was from stress (we had a full kennel yesterday so eh had to go in the cages in the empty half of the clinic, without even people walking by, and I heard him freaking out multiple times :rolleyes:), but then the Rimadyl put him over the edge.

Soooooooo...now we have to stop the Rimadyl, and he's on metronidazole for 5 days to see if that clears up the diarrhea. Once the diarrhea is taken care of, it's back on the Rimadyl to see if it clears up his limp (VIBES PLEASE that when we put him back on Rimadyl this doesn't start all over again :eek:).

So teh Vrochey would like some vibes that his butt and his leg start feeling better soon :( And I would like some vibes that this isn't something contagious, because having 4 dogs pooping blood, one of which is completely incontinent, does NOT sound like fun :yikes:


Megan and Draco
Jul 20, 2008
Awww! Poor guy!!! I hope he feels better soon!

My boy has a mystery knee injury this spring. Rileys was severe though, couldnt walk, extrememly swollen stiffle. No drawer, no ACL. He actually Tore his patellar tendon! Only my dog could have a 1 in a million injury that even stumped the university. :dunno: This was within a month of being diagnosed with Addisons. Not a good spring.

Sorry, hope he is diarrhea and limp free soon!

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