Sudden dog fights



I know I have had a lot of threads in the training section in the past couple of months. I dont want to annoy anyone with my threads, but I feel chaz is the best place to come to for help and advice. ANY advice is very much appreciated!!!

For some weird reason the past couple of weeks my moms dog and my chihuahua have been getting into fights and they are getting worse. Its so unusual because they have been living with each other for quite a few months now without any fights. They kept to themselves in the past.

My moms dog seems to be the aggressor. She will run up to my dog and get in her face or put her head over my chihuahuas back while growling. Sounds like domination issues to me. She will usually do this after I take my dog for a walk when I just come back into the house or when I am playing with my dog in any way. Maybe its jealousy issues too? My dog just stands there and ignores it most of the time. What do I do when this happens? I will pick my dog up off the ground and my moms dog will stand on her back feet STILL trying to get to my dog.

The really bad fights break out when Reggin is playing with my moms dog (something they rarely do). My chihuahua will hear the commotion and run in between the two playing and start growling. At this point my moms dog goes right after my chihuahua and the fight is on! My chihuahua is VERY close to Reggin, he is like her brother. Could it be that my chi is jealous of another dog? Sometimes it happens visa versa. Reggin is an unaltered male and the other two dogs are unaltered females. My dog is due to get fixed next month.

Today I was sitting on my bed with my chi when my moms dog jumps up there to say hi to me. My dog immediately starts growling so I put her on the floor. Is that the wrong thing to do? She also does this to reggin. What can I do to prevent any fights without crating 24/7? How do I make it clear that fighting is a no no? I am so confused and need help. Also, injuries are nonexistent. They get into really loud and scary fights, but never injure each other.


My mom says to let them "fight it out" to settle the situation. I dont think thats a good idea.

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