Slowly but surely (new at clicker)...


New Member
Dec 18, 2008
I still find the clicker kind of difficult, but am slowly getting the hang of it. It's pretty long, but I'd like to share a blog post I wrote about our recent clicker training. I'll post an excerpt here, but I'd like to encourage anyone to feel free to leave a comment on the blog, especially if you are doing clicker training yourselves. Thanks for reading!


"I've been working here and there on this for about a week, and frankly even though there was some success, I had little reason to think that she was making much progress, mostly because I felt like I still hadn't figured out what I was doing. Who would have thought that trying to manage a clicker, a whistle, a pocketful of treats and a dog could be so overwhelming? Honestly sometimes I'd be walking around, watching her, and I would think (WHISTLE - THEN 'WHOA' - THEN WATCH, GET READY TO CLICK IF SHE DOES IT! WAIT FOR IT....), then I would simultaneously blow the whistle while clicking the clicker and realize I'm not even watching her, but instead looking down at the whistle and clicker as if one of them could explain to me what the hell I'm doing. If my signals are so mixed up in MY head, I presume they are at LEAST as unclear in hers."

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