SF tries to curb panhandling with puppies, stipends


Glutton for Crazy
Aug 29, 2010
Portland, Oregon
When it comes to tackling San Francisco's entrenched panhandling problem, City Hall has tried just about everything: laws banning aggressive panhandling and sitting on sidewalks, teams of service providers who attempt to get beggars off the streets, and an employment program to get them hired at nearby businesses.

But it's never tried puppies - until now.

Starting Aug. 1, the city - in a program believed to be the first of its kind in the country - will attempt to lure panhandlers to give up their cardboard signs and metal cups in exchange for a small stipend to foster problematic puppies at the city's Animal Care and Control, making them ready for adoption.

Bevan Dufty, Mayor Ed Lee's point person on homelessness, is calling his new program Wonderful Opportunities for Occupants and Fidos, or Woof. Dufty said it's a win-win for the panhandlers and the puppies - even if it may prompt eye-rolls at first.

"I'm tired of pushing people around. You can make it difficult for people to panhandle, but ultimately they're just going to go do it somewhere else," he said. "Why not try to meet their needs for income in a way that helps the city and its animals?"

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/06/13/MNAR1P0P93.DTL#ixzz1xmCADJeH


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