Proud of my boy


Active Member
Nov 1, 2009
I dogsat Fri. and Sat. night for a woman who has 7 dogs (one is her sons). 5 yorkies, 1 maltest mix and 1 JRT.

Oh she also has like 3 or 4 cats, I don't know, can't count them all LOL..

So first night I let Jackson just stay at my dads house overnight (it's 5 mins away from there) because I honestly thought it would be more of a pain to have an extra dog there, plus he's iffy with strange cats and usually obsesses about them and wants to chase and/or bark at them.

But last night, I had been gone all day shopping and out to dinner, etc, and felt guilty coming home and then just leaving him right away... so I said 'eff it' and brought him with me, even though he had virtually no exercise that day and I was a bit worried he would never go to sleep in a new place with so many new animals.

He walked right into this house, acted like he'd known the dogs forever (he's met them twice before), made himself at home. He did go into a whining/barking fit for about 30 seconds when he saw the first cat but I redirected him, and it helped that none of the other dogs care at all about the cats. He's used to being at my dads house where my dads JRT HATES cats and they egg each other on.

Anyway, he slept all night in the bed, with me plus the 7 other dogs, AND the cats under the bed. And now he's out laying on the couch sleeping... just totally being chill.

I know it probably wouldn't be a big deal to some, and I guess I should've known and given my dog more credit, he's always proved to be awesome in new situations in the past. But I'm proud of the little stinker. Mostly for the cat thing. lol.

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