Please help the animals dogs in Quebec....


New Member
Apr 17, 2007
It saddens me when I see so little response to a petition to help rid the Province of Puppy Mills. The OSPCA is Quebec seems to be overlooked when it comes to support and funding. The Government is corrupt and the people are apathetice at best. Please sign this petition.

Dear Citizens of the World

A rogue nation-province amongst us Quebec has ruthlessly decided to mindlessly
allow Puppy Mills and BackYard Breeders to flourish within Quebec! Puppy
Mills and BackYard Breeders who have total and complete immunity from any
meaningful oversight or prosecution of any kind! Quebec also proudly refuses to
enforce the regulations of its own Animal Welfare Act (P-42), and has nothing
but complete and utter contempt for the Animal Pedigree Act of Canada!
Quebec where cruelty towards all animals is allowed for PROFIT no matter
how heinously evil or horrific the torture or suffering that is being
inflicted upon these defenceless farm animals, wildlife, and pets.

Signing this petition I pledge to Never Buy anything produced, slaughtered,
and/or created by a Quebecker, or any community within Quebec ever!

I also solemnly pledge to Never Visit Quebec at any time ever! And if living
in Quebec will actively encourage others not to visit, and will protest to the
nefariously incompetent National Assembly of Quebec every chance I get!!

It is unfortunate that such a beautiful nation-province as Quebec should be managed
by such ugly evil bureaucrats, and completely deranged politicians. A once great
province being held hostage by a tiny group of viciously cruel, and uncompromisingly
greedy farmers and puppy mill operators! It is hoped through this petition that these self
serving dinosaurs will be relegated to the nearest compost heap for wormy composting,
or better yet confined to their tiny cages to fester in their own filth until the end of time.

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