Pimple turned into lump - surgery required

Aug 18, 2007
Molly had a tiny pimple on the inside of her right ear last week and it quickly grew to about the size of the nail on your little finger and was irritating her. My ex is ticked off with me and when he went out of town on Sunday hid the Jeep leaving me without a vehicle. Thankfully, friends took us to my vet today and Molly was operated on and the lump removed. Friends took me to pick her up and she is resting comfortably with a cone on her head so she can't scratch at the ear.

Like LabDad and Duke's experience, they are sending the lump to the lab to determine if she will require more surgery. I feel so lucky they were able to remove it today instead of having time to worry and return another day for the surgery. Hopefully, it's nothing serious as she might lose part of her ear if they have to operate again. I can't believe how fast it grew. It was just a little pimple! I groom Molly every day, so now I'm going to be checking every inch of her.


Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2004
I'm glad you got Molly to the vet and hope you get good news about the biopsy.
Aug 18, 2007
Poor Molly, she has such terrible gas. She was farting and burping frequently through the night. She wanted out at 4 a.m. this morning and again at 6:30. Her bowel movements are squirting liquid. So glad I gave her a sanitary clip last week, otherwise we would have been in a terrible mess and the last thing she needs is to be put through a major rump cleaning now. All I have to do is give her a good wipe with doggy wipes when she's finished.

She just wants to be near me while she's resting and to comfort her. She looks at me like "Mom, what's wrong with me, and why won't you take this thing off my head?"

Being put under sure takes its toll.
Aug 18, 2007
Ears are so tender---poor dog. Keep your jeep handy, you will be needing it...lol.
That's the problem. Out of spite he stored the Jeep somewhere so that I wouldn't be able to use it. He is out of town until the end of August. I left him in May and have been living in a walk out basement suite in a small town nearby. I had been going to the house every day to make sure everything is secure and have been watering the garden plants. When he returned from out of town for a week, I would clean the Jeep and return it for his use and then he would leave it for me when he left again. Now I'm unable to look after the property I own half of because he took our only vehicle that he views as his. He's p!ssed because I refused his settlement offer and took money out of our joint account.

Since he started earning pretty good wages the last few years he feels he decides what is fair and what I am entitled to. He can pay a lawyer $2500. retainer and expects me to get a lawyer and yet have no money to pay for one. I'm glad I took the money out or I would have had to put Molly's surgery on my Visa. Men - that's the last one for me. Obviously, I have made poor choices. Will never, ever, ever trust one again - ever!

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