Phone Ettiquette


Mistress Wigglebutt
Aug 26, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada

As some of you know, I work in a call centre, inbound, so people call me to rent cars for one of the largest car rental brands in the business.... anyhow... I have a few pet peeves, and I thought I'd air them with you so that you can know how to be .. responsible callers.

1. Talk into the phone, please. If you are holding it EIGHT FEET from your mouth, how am I supposed to hear what you're saying? And no you don't get sassy with me when I ask you to speak up!

2. Appoint one person to speak, and then have anyone else involved in the car rental leave the room. I can't keep stopping and waiting for your Grandma Josephine who is wanting the car rented but refuses to speak to me directly to relay every message to you and you to relay every message to her, nor do I want to wait for that to happen.

3. Have all of your information ready when you get on the phone. I don't have the time for you to call your cousin, Nicole, and find out what time you need the car for. Time is money with this company, we are constantly reminded that, and you are costing me money, perhaps my JOB by taking so darn long!

4. If World War 85 is taking place in your house, amongst your kids, please do not call my company to rent a car at that time.

5. If you are an abusive parent who is in the middle of beating and/or screaming at your child, please do not call my company to rent a car at that time.

6. If you are driving in your car, and your cell phone only has one unit of reception and you are renting a car for next week, please do not call my company to rent a car at that time, the static kills my ears.

7. If you are drunk, or under the influence of any drugs, or otherwise under the influence (of anger, heartbrokenness, or a serious bout of cramps), please do not call my company to rent a car at that time.

8. Do not start your rambling with "I know it's not your fault but I have to vent.." and then proceed to be incredibly rude, upset, and irate in the phone, thinking that your first statement excuses that. It doesn't. Your first statement should be "Is this the correct department with which to file a complaint?" Or, for those of you who can't talk good -- "Is this the right place to complain?"

9. My computer gives me a limited amount of information. For more detailed information, because our computer server could not POSSIBLY contain the manager's first, last and maiden name as well as home phone number, cell phone number and beeper number and their next of kin for every manager at every location, or a complete list of every vehicle - make, model, whether it has a cd player or not, what color it is, and how many bodies will fit in the trunk, or the proper procedure for how the insurance will cover you if you are having sex while driving and someone hits you, but it's not your fault, you must call the counter directly. I am not a "stupid person" because I don't know all of this information. I can only tell you the information that my computer supplies, and sometimes I am not legally authorized to tell you all of that. If you want to really get 'er done, you'd better call the counter, and I don't care if you can't reach them or their line is busy or you don't have a quarter to use in the payphone or you don't have any minutes left on your cell phone or you are far too indignated to actually write the number down and then use your pointer finger to actually physically dial the number, you still have to call the counter, and no, I can't transfer you.

10. Take whatever you are eating out of your mouth now. I find it exceptionally repulsing to have to listen to you moving things around in your mouth (the spit moving too!) or smack your lips incessantly, or cough and choke on your food because you didn't finish chewing before calling my number.

11. If the television is on full blast because you are practicing your Beyoncé moves along with her on the tv, please wait until her music video is over before you call me. I can't hear you over her runs and trills, and with you breathing hard because you're too out of shape to shake your Bootylicious like she does.

12. The appropriate response to "Thanks for calling our Company, ma'am, have a nice day." Is not a sassy, ghetto fabulous "Mhmmmmm." complete with head swivel.

13. If you absolutely cannot wait a second more to use the washroom when you're on the phone, please call back or ask us to hold - we can hold for a minute. I would rather that you did NOT take the phone into the bathroom with you, where I can hear every single bodily function that your body can possibly produce.

14. If you're driving down the road and call us... just don't. Pull over or wait til you get home. I don't need to hear you cause, witness, or be a part of an accident.


Mistress Wigglebutt
Aug 26, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
Some people just dont know how to talk on the phone.. do they.. lol :p

LOL Not at all. The worst part is that I have had at LEAST one call of each of the above kinds - in fact, I had a lady peeing today, playing rap music reeeeally loud and shouting at me down the phone all in one call! Usually I get one of each of those a week!


New Member
Aug 9, 2005
I was laughing as I read It's amazing how many people do stuff like that. My hubby is notorious for not speaking into the phone, or eating while he's talking on the phone.

I am guilty of peeing while on the phone... but only with friends or family, I would never do that with someone I didn't know well.

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