Last Night


Active Member
Oct 14, 2006
Zach, a few other friends, and I were watching TV.

I was tossing a ball across the room foor Milo. He brought it back a few times, then, after an exuberant fetch, brought it to Zach's feet and dropped it, and looked up like AREEEEEEYAGONNATHROWITSOON?!?!?!?

Zach didn't even notice (usually when Milo approaches his feet it's to growl at him and tug on his pants before romping off) so I said (probably way too ridiculously excited for the said event) "ZACH! Milo brought you the ball!"

He threw it, and Milo brought it back. They played like that for at least a half hour. Every couple of throws Milo would bring it back to me, but I was at a bad angle and the ball would hit the wall really quickly, so he'd go back to Zach for a good throw.

I'm still limiting lap time and making him work for me picking him up and holding him and whatnot. It seems to be working excellently. I haven't crated him or limited his access to the bed/toys/whatever.

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