Is this true no more shipping to and from canada pups?

Apr 6, 2006
Niagara NY
Need to verify this?????

I got to ship from Ont to BC in May im in US on border.

Can I fly with the pups?

guys can help I cant find a link.

Today, the US stopped accepting live animals as cargo from anyone other than brokers and licenced shippers. This is a not an airline rule, it's a US Federal aviation cargo ruling. The new rules for cargo were announced a month ago but was widely assumed that they did not apply to live animals. It was only today that the airlines found out and started calling clients to tell them their dogs could not fly. This rule applies not only to flying to but ground transportation, too. (and quite possibly handlers taking client dogs to shows!)?
I don't have much info but it does not matter if your dog is booked on a flight tomorrow ... it will not go! There are only 2 known animal carriers that I can find 1) Boomerang Pet Carrier and 2) Worldwide Pet and they are extremely costly ($300 + cost of flight) and need 72 hrs notice to approve you and redo all of your paperwork. I am stuck trying to get a bitch back to her owner and another dog to his owner.?
This looks like the end of cross-border breeding and showing in the US.?
Please cross post. I will provide more information and links to the actual rulings as I find them. The person in charge of pet handling for Continental Airlines is already on the case trying to get the rules relaxed for live animals from Canada but the rule is firmly in place until it changes. Sadly, all Continental personal are in Buffalo trying to deal with the situation there ... so this issue will not be a priority in the near future.


Oh, it's *you*
Aug 6, 2007
N Texas, USA
most folks that've called airlines have gotten a "cargo is fine for dogs" response. There is some question on dogs either out of or into Canada tho...rather like with Mexico.


Here is what I received on this on one of my mailing lists:

"A person on another List I belong told posted to say she had contacted Continental Airlines and that they told her this is bogus and is being circulated by the brokers in an effort to get more business. I have checked out both the APHIS and USDA sites, as well as most major airline sites, and have found NO mention of any cargo/excess baggage restrictions beyond the current regulations."

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