I found the perfect urn

Mar 9, 2006
When my Jack Russel x King Charles Spaniel, passed away having fought breast cancer and sadly being taken by secondary Lung Cancer at the age of 13 (she passed away peacefully asleep with myself on the sofa). I could not bare to bury her becasue I didn't want to be apart from her ever. I had even concidered having her stuffed - but then thought that was a bit sick... but I just wanted to be able to stroke her forever more - but it would not have helped me let go of her.

However, I had her cremated and was not at all happy with the container she came back in it served no purpose other then to hold her. So I put up with it for nearly 3 mths whilst I continued to search for what I believed she deserved to be remembered in. The web site I eventually used was Pets eternal - They hand painted a picture of my Patches onto a lovely urn --here is the link showing you a photo of that urn


It is now been 8 mths since she passed away, still I light a candle every evening and talk to her urn - seeing her face there when I talk to her has helped me so much to realise that I was lucky she had a good, long, happy life and just went to sleep at the end - I don't think it would have been so good looking at the plain black pot she came in. I also had a star named after her in the constellation of Persues (the god of the hero's) she was and always will be my hero.

I would recomend the urn and the star to anyone who has lost a dear canine friend as I now feel so close to her with her face on her urn at home & whenever I am out I have her star to look for.

The star was only £50 & the Urn was only £97 (inc p&p). It was worth every penny as they both bring me so much comfort in her absence. That is a picture of her in my avatar.

Soul mates.

We hoped this time would never come.
We'd hope not to be here.
But time and tide would wait no more
To raise our greatest fear.
For in it's haste it took a pal
But time, they say, will mend
The sadness that we feel right now
Towards a loyal friend.
For a friend you were but never spoke.
Could make us cry and laugh.
Asked for little, gave a lot,
Until this final path.
We will always remember the happy times
Before this day grew nigh.
Now there's only one thing left to say
That's "Thanks old friend...Goodbye"
In loving memory of Patches
Mar 9, 2006
her is Patches Page which also helps me

I made this page in memory of Patches, but more for my benefit - it gives me somewhere to write about my feelings and somewhere I can turn to at my times of great weakness as Patches has always been my strength. You would never believe me if I told you what she did for me - it seems she performed miracles around the time of her death ( and that is no exageration)


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
I'm very sorry to hear about Patches, she will always be with you. That urn is very beautiful.

I thought you might like to read this quote,

"She is my other eyes that can see above the clouds; my other ears that hear above the winds. She is the part of me that can reach out into the sea. She has told me a thousand times over that I am her reason for being; by the way she rests against my leg; by the way she thumps her tail at my smallest smile; by the way she shows her hurt when I leave without taking her. When I am wrong, she is delighted to forgive. When I am angry, she clowns to make me smile. When I am happy, she is joy unbounded. When I am a fool, she ignores it. When I succeed, she brags. Without her, I am only another man. With her, I am all-powerful. She is loyalty itself. She has taught me the meaning of devotion. With her, I know a secret comfort and a private peace. She has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant. Her head on my knee can heal my human hurts. Her presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and unknown things. She has promised to wait for me... whenever... wherever - in case I need her. And I expect I will - as I always have."

I don't know who the author is but I thought it was very beautiful.

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