I dont know why hes scared.....

Sep 20, 2006
This has been bothering me all night and I need some advice. Yesterday morning after me and my boyfriend woke up I was in the washroom and as my boyfriend came up the stiars Duke was laying in front of the washroom. Once Duke saw him he got up and moved quickly into the washroom and stood beside me ears down, tail tucked under his body and just seemed so scared of my boyfriend. This has never happened before. Duke has never acted this way towards anyone before. My b/f has been over many times and Duke is always excitied to see him and sits with him on the couch but yesterday morning you would have never guessed it. My b/f has never done anything to Duke to make him scared of him so I dont knw what has come over him. Then last night when I brought it up to my boyfriend he said that New years night while I was up stairs he went to pet Duke and he coward again and peed. This has caused concern for me cause this has never happened. Everything was fine when he came over but by the morning everything was complete opposite. I dont know what has brought this on or what to do about it. I know I need to fix this right away I just dont know how to handle this, Any suggestions would be great.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
My b/f has been over many times and Duke is always excitied to see him and sits with him on the couch but yesterday morning you would have never guessed it.
How many times has Duke seen him come up the stairs that way? He may be fine with him in the contexts that he is very familiar with but perhaps unusual contexts, locations may seem so abnormal to him that it's frightening him.

How old is Duke? Has anything frightening happened while your bf was interacting with Duke? Not to do with your bf, but perhaps some other thing that he just happened to associate with your bf? Like some scary noise outside or even a static electricity shock at the same time your bf was patting him?

I would go with your bf and sit in the washroom with some yummy treats and just hang out in there. See if Duke will come in on his own to visit. Try not to show any nervousness or wariness. Just act cheerful and like you're having a nice time. Read a book or something. Have your bf give him extra yummy treats when Duke decides on his own to come near him. Don't pay attention or coo over him while he's acting fearful...just go about your business. But when he seems comfortable, associate your bf with good things. Maybe your bf could spend a little one on one with Duke, a little play outside with him? Just gradually re-condition him to not only your bf, but to your bf in different parts of the house, doing different things. Remember not to inadvertantly reinforce his fear by fussing over him while he's cowering or peeing.

It may be a regular fear period in your pup, which pups do go through or maybe something you just can't see is affecting him.
Sep 20, 2006
Duke is 11 months old now. The next time my boyfriend is over we are going to see how he reacts and go from there. I didnt make a fuss over him when he was scared, my boyfriend sat on the bed and called him and he eventually went to him but was still unsure. When he peed I wasnt around and that was sunday night but then I didnt notice a difference with how he acted towards my boyfriend and then he even slept in the bed with us and slept on my boyfriend's feet at night, in the morning he was fine and then my b/f went downstairs and when he came up Duke acted scared. But I told my b/f that if he is scared the next time then we are gonna work on the sitation which he is fine with and is willing to do what it takes. He has a dog so he understands me wanting to help the situation. Thanks for the reply, I will most certainly take your advice if the situation is more than a once time thing.


New Member
May 16, 2006
East Central Illinois
It could be a fear stage. Don't coddle the behavior, but don't ignore it, either.

Maybe your boyfriend could act completely nonchalant and show up with a treat, holding his leash so the two of you can take him for a walk as soon as he arrives. That way, Duke won't have a chance to be scared because he'll be so excited to get the treat and go for a walk.

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