How to Trim Dog Nails – Painless – Effortless – Stress less

Mar 5, 2009
How to Trim Dog Nails – Painless – Effortless – Stress less

There is a better, easier, painless and stress less method for perfect dog pedicures – the grinding tool. (Commonly referred to as a Dremel tool developed for carpenters)

Many dogs are touch sensitive to a varying degree and some dogs are finicky about their ears, tails and other body parts, particularly feet.

Before you achieve the perfect pedicure, start slow and desensitize your dog to both the sound of the tool and the ensuing vibration.

Armed with your dog’s favorite treats, start with gentle foot handling, followed with a treat and a ‘good dog.’ Increase the foot rubs and continue treats and soothing verbal rewards. When you feel your dog is comfortable with the foot messages, raise the bar a bit and turn the grinder on for a few seconds (do not touch the dog with the tool) shut it off and give the dog a treat. Soon, the dog will link the sound of the grinder and the foot handling with treats and verbal rewards.

Once your dog has been desensitized, grind away a small amount of nail every few weeks until the nail is at a manageable length. Move from nail to nail to prevent friction heat. If your dog has long hair take care that the grinding tool does not catch the hair. A piece of cheese cloth slipped onto the foot with just the nail protruding will keep the hair out of the way (Use a snood if your dog has plumy ears).

If you are still uncomfortable about nail grinding, ask someone for help – a groomer, a vet, or a dog handler - experienced with dog nail care and grinding.

Training is a continuous process -- keep the treats coming – especially when your dog least expects one.

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