How to Train a Pug: 10 Valuable Tips

Feb 17, 2013
#1. Start your pug training early

Just as it’s important to discipline your kid during his early developmental years, it is also significant to note that pug training should begin early. The first six months of his life is a fairly decent period during pug training.

You don’t want to let your pug live with unacceptable behaviors, so the best way to prevent him from having habit bad behaviors is to get rid of these as soon as possible.

#2. Do not let your adorable pug get away with bad behavior

A lot of pet owners make this beginner’s mistake: they just ignore and shrug off their pug’s bad action because they’re too caught up admiring the cuteness of their pets. Remember that pugs are stubborn – if you didn’t correct their behavior in the past, they would do it over and over again.

If you corrected their behavior once they’ve done it repeatedly, they’re less likely to follow you once they become grown adults.

#3. How To Train a Pug – Be consistent

This is easier said than done: pugs are one of the sweetest and most charming breeds around so it’s easy for you to fall for their charm and let them get away with their bad behavior.

Do yourself and your pet pug a favor by sticking with following the rules. Animals yearn for routine to feel secure so give them the luxury of having one.

#4. Establish yourself as the leader

Just like in golden retriever training, being the dominant personality in the relationship is important for the owner. It’s a burden for your pug to view himself as the leader because he’ll be stressed to get you to follow him. Instead, take the role of being the pack leader and get him to follow you. He’s more likely to be trained this way.

#5. Pugs are meant to be companion animals

This means that crating your pug for long periods of time will make him act more aggressive and more hostile towards you.

Instead of confining him, you should go and play with him, train him and spend time with him as needs active stimulation to enable him to develop. If you’re considering leaving him home alone for a long time, don’t do it as it will do more harm than good.

#6. Negative reinforcement will not do your pug training any good

Yelling, hurting and scolding your pet pug will just make you and your pet feel bad. In fact, it might even hurt your pug in a way that the pain can compel him to bite you and mistrust you, despite your well meaning intentions.

If you really want to know how to train a pug, remember that positive reinforcement is the wise way to go. Reward him with his favorite treat and watch his obedience meter soar higher.

#7. Pugs are sensitive to their owner’s tone of voice

When you really want to give positive reinforcement to your pet pug via praises, make sure that your voice is expressive enough.

Your pug will not be able to get the meaning of your praise since he can’t comprehend human speech, but his instinct will tell him that you’re rewarding him if your tone of voice expresses approval enthusiastically.

Therefore, the next time your pet exhibits a disciplined behavior, smile, pat him reassuringly on the head and praise like there’s no tomorrow.

#8. Pugs clamor for attention

Pugs are considered as one of the friendliest dog breeds all over the world. Sometimes, this friendliness can be a negative thing as it promotes vanity and self-centeredness. Because of this intrinsic attitude, they believe that everyone should pay attention to them.

Once they feel that you’re acting indifferent and unconcerned towards them, they will feel anxious and exhibit negative behavior just to get you to notice them.

#9. Food can compel your pet pug to obey you

Giving treats to your pug when they’re behaving is a sure-fire way to get them to repeat this positive behavior. They are food-driven so if you want them to behave a certain way, always have his favorite food for support. This will increase his chances of being more compliant.

#10. Having an overweight pug should not be a common occurrence – give him lots of chances to exercise

Contrary to popular belief, you should not baby your pug in a way that he won’t be able to do any exercise. Even if your pug prefers to laze around, don’t let him do it. Instead, go out with him and train him outdoors.

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