getting discouaraged

Nov 26, 2004
hello.. my dog is 6 mnths old with no bladder problems.. and wev had him since 8 wks.. i have done everything acordig to tha book when it comes to housetraining.. but he still poops and pess in tha house.. am imissing something.. or what?? pls give suggestions or ideas on what to do thnx.. raymond


Active Member
Jan 3, 2005
Are you crate training? It seemed to take forever with my dobe and we crate trained and I would get so frustrated but it just clicked for him one day. It was probally right around six months. I don't really have a lot to tell you to help you but hang in there and I'm sure you'll get through it :)


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
I would use a crate and make sure your dog has a lot of potty breaks throughout the day. If you are leaving your 6 month old puppy out and about during the day, there will be accidents! Use a crate! They eventually get it. Some just take longer than others :)


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
Well, in the meantime, have you been using a crate all this time? What you do is watch the pup LITERALLY every second. You do not leave that pup unattended at all. Every time he makes a pee pee or poop in the house, that in itself is his reward and will reinforce this.

You need to take him out often, after naps, after meals, after playtime and lots of times inbetween. At six months, he probably should have a little better control, but they all mature differently.

When you take him out, go to one special, designated spot and walk him around a bit. Use a command. When he's in the midst of going, say, "go pee pee" or whatever. Then when he just finishes, immediately say, "gooooood pee pee." Make a big fuss over wonderful he is and give a treat.

If he does go in the house, clean it up when he's not looking and use an enzamatic, pet odor remover to clean. Don't scold him. If you catch him in the act, you can tell him, "no or eh-eh-eh" and whisk him outside quickly. Show him his special spot.

If you're not able to watch him, even if you're just going to go in the bathroom or something for a few minutes, put him in his crate. He won't tend to go in there. You can even tie him onto your belt loops when you're busy, (but want him to have a little freedom), so you can watch him better.

You have to be absolutely consistant. Every mistake (you) make and he goes inside sets him back. This may be why it's taking a while. However, six months isn't out of the realms of norm. My Dobe was about 9 or 10 months before he was reliable. So, hang in there. He'll get it.
Dec 20, 2004
Gracie is 9 wks old and doing great with her training. First thing in the morning before we do anything is go outside to potty. We come back in, crawl in bed and she plays all happy with me and Princess until I decide to go ahead and get up for real. Then it's back outside we go. I give her and Princess play time and more potty times. We come in to eat breakfast, then go back outside (taking advantage of the nice weather). We stay outside for a half hour to an hour. Usually by then she and Princess are ready to take a little nap. If I havent noticed Gracie going potty during play time like I think she should I take her back outside alone. Then back in we go. As soon as she wakes up from nap its outside we go. We spend 75% of her waking hours outside. At 8pm I take up her food dish, no more food or treats for the night (we stay up late), and I limit her drinks after 10pm. I keep my eyes on her most every min of the day because it never fails the 5 mins I focus on something else is the time she pees on the floor! I take her out to potty one last time at 11:00pm then put her to bed. I dont have a crate. What I did was put her in the corner of my bedroom where Princess sleeps and block it with a babygate. She has plenty of room to move around but its small enough to discourage her wetting. She sleeps all night long, no accidents.
I expect we will have our good days and bad days with her accidents. I have arranged my days to be home totally with her while I potty train her. Everything in my life right revoves around her. No different than potty training a tot. You have to watch for every sign that they may be about to have an accident.
She hasnt went to the door whinning to go out yet but two mornings in a row she whined to be taken out.
If you cant be home with your puppy thru the day and you dont have a crate and cant get a crate, then use a babygate and put her in a confined area. Just make sure the dog is taken out during the day to potty.

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